Act 2; Scene 5

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Your head feels heavy. It's morning again, and everything's a blur. The windows were foggy, too. Raindrops hung, light and transparent, on the glass. The air was still. Today's a Saturday. 

Your eyes still feel heavy, so you close them and think of the old times. 


It was chilly outside. Oh right, it was  already autumn. It seemed to rain quite a lot, too. Autumns were mostly wet. All the leaves fall and the cleaners have a hard time sweeping them every morning.

Iwaizumi and you used to pick up maple leaves in the park, when they fall to the ground. When the wind blows, the trees rustle and dried leaves fall like paper. They have the color of fire. You pick up the ones with the most vivid red color. They would be kept as bookmarks until they tore, and then they would be taped up. Iwaizumi had one for the longest time-- until the new year.

It was cold and no one was at home. This, you thought, is life now.

Your back aches as you get up from the covers. Your head hurts too. Everything hurts, and your legs go all numb and you can't feel them. It's like they're not even there, but you step on the floor with them anyway.

The numbness fades a little later and you get dressed real fast, because it was cold, and it struck your bare skin like blades. It would be okay to go to iwaizumi's place today. They told you to have breakfast there yesterday. 

You grab the coat hanging on the cupboard and did the buttons. The keys clattered, dangling from your finger.

You grab the umbrella on your way out.

There weren't any people on the street. It was far too quiet, but it was to your liking.

The rain poured down more aggressively, and the sound rang in your ears. It was cold, and there was rain. Maybe there would be hail today.

Iwaizumi was round the corner, and by his side stood a blonde haired girl. You held your breath, slipping back quietly, and concealed yourself round the wall.

The numbness spreads, and all you could hear was the thumping in your chest. Everything else seemed to die down, and you struggled to keep up right. Eventually you slipped down, reducing yourself to a huddled ball of warmth on the street. The umbrella slips out of your hand and the raindrops cling onto your hair when they fall.

They talk quite loudly in front of the house. The girl flips her hair, and you cringe.

"I'll meet you tomorrow, okay?" She says, voice cutting the sound of the rain like a blade. It was one of those sweet sounding voices, all slurry and smooth. You bite your lip until it bleeds. You couldn't taste the blood. Everything felt numb.

She kisses his cheek, and she walks off. Iwaizumi watched until she disappeared round the next corner, then walked towards you. Your eyes widen and you covered your mouth.

"You were watching?" He stops beside you.

He noticed, you thought.

"Are you okay?" He bends down too. "You look pale."

You inhale through your nose and mouth. It was hard to breathe, and you couldn't move your feet.

"I'm fine. " You say in between gritted teeth.

You felt like throwing up.

"I'm going home. Tell your mom I said hi." You get up, but your legs were shaking.

He must have seen that, because he grabs your hand and helps you get up. "No, you're not, and you're sick. I'll take you inside."

You slap his hands away, and you get up on your own.

"I'm going home." You insisted.

Iwaizumi watches you as you turn. You could feel his eyes on your back when you pick up the umbrella.

You close the door behind you back at home. Your legs were shaking, and you drop on your knees.

Resting your head on the door behind, you say;

"What the fuck did I just see?"



sorry if it's a bit rushed. I was lazy lmao


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