Act 2; Scene 4

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The sky was coloured a rotten blue. Along the streets, people shuffled down the pavement in dark clothing as if they were shackled and half- dead, shoes shuffling against the ground much more than usual. You always tended to notice the things that other people don't bat and eyelash to, and this was one of them.

The air was heavy, and light fog laced the sky. Everything looked cloudy, and your head hurt like hell.

You clutched the package tightly. You'll have to write another letter if you loose this one.

The Iwaizumi residence looked more crowded than usual. It was just Iwaizumi's mother on some days.

The yapping inside only got louder as you reached out a hand to press the doorbell. If they were having a party, you only needed to drop the package off.

A tall built man opened the gate.

You open your mouth to say something, but as you look up, time froze.

Dark green eyes drilled into you. And for some reason, you couldn't look away. It was a breathtaking sight.

"Iwa-chan?" Your legs felt weak.

He looked startled, too. He put one hand back to scratch his neck, and averted his gaze.

Mixed emotions welled up inside you like a gush of hot air. You threw open the half opened gate, and wrapped both your arms around him.

"You're back!.." It was like laughing and crying at the same time. Your eyes felt really wet. You reckoned that they were red, too.

"H-hey..." He started off all awkward, followed by putting some space between us.

You gave him a big toothy grin.

"When did you come back?"

The sun emerges from behind you and it shines in his face, making him squint and hold up a hand to cover his eyes. Now his face is covered in a black mass of shadows and you can't make out the shape of his eyes.

"Yesterday. The train reached home pretty late, though. I was too tired to call you, so I waited until today." He paused for a while, then he invited you in.

There was a million questions that you wanted to ask him, but you decide to leave it for later. Your mouth itched, though. It was like trying to bottle up an overflowing, continuous flow of water inside a small jar.

After a few minutes, some of the water just oozed out. Drop by drop. Like a water fountain.

"Why didn't you tell me your address?"
You say.

You were still outside the house, away from the noise inside. The house was brightly lit, and it was rather quiet in the front lawn. Iwaizumi could hear you loud and clear, even if he were half deaf.

"What?" He smiles a little. "I'm sorry, the noise is too loud. How about coming in first?"

His smile was plastic, and both of you know it.

"Okay." You say quietly.

You wanted to ask something else, but this time you kept your lips shut tight as if your life depended on it.

It really was a party inside the house. Everyone was smiling, and it was happy. Soon, the worries were plucked away to the back of your mind, one by one.

And then you went home.

Miraculously, you. // iwaoiWhere stories live. Discover now