Act 2; Scene 1

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Dear Iwaizumi,

We lost the practice match today. I gave it my best shot, just like you instructed me to. Looks like it wasn't enough, though.

When we were back in campus, I heard the captain cursing in the locker room. For once, I felt like I didn't belong in that team.

Even if my best shot wasn't enough, do I still have to continue trying, Iwa-chan? 

I don't know where you are, Iwa-chan. I'm scared. I can't see you, nor hear your voice. I feel lonely, Iwa-chan. Where are you?

Please come back, Iwaizumi.




Dear Iwaizumi,

I overslept today. It looks like I forgot to set my alarm clock yesterday night.

Are you doing fine, Iwa-chan?

Sometimes, I wonder where you might be when I look out of the window in class. University is boring, Iwa-chan. I'm sure it wouldn't be this boring if you were here with me, Iwa-chan.

Please tell me your address in the next letter, okay? I won't bother you, I promise.

I won't even come over if you don't want me to, Iwa-chan. 

I found the shop where we used to buy all our sweets when we were young, Iwa-chan. It set up shop near our campus again. I'll send you some of the blue lollipops that you like.

Today was nostalgic.

Please, write back?


Your Idiot.



;) I'll let you guys figure out what is happening here.



Miraculously, you. // iwaoiWhere stories live. Discover now