tired nights

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it felt like time was passing by so slow as i spent my life with jaehee, jaehee makes me feel so special..

i walk over towards her desk, filled with piles of papers next to her as she takes a sip from her aromatic coffee.

" jaehee, are you still working on the paperwork..? " i ask, yawning.

" yes.. i am {name}, you should sleep now. " she said, continuing to write onto the paperwork, looking tired by every passing minute.

i pull up a chair next to jaehee, looking over the work she has finished with.

jaehee.. she worked on this so much with such perfect efficience.. yet she continues to over work herself to such a degree.. i want to help her..

" hey.. jaehee, why don't you sleep, while i do this. " i said, taking her pen from her hand.

she hesitates, " no.. its fine {name}, i can do it. " she said, trying to take her pen back.

i try to move the pen around, making sure she doesn't take it from me, " but you're overworking yourself jaehee.. "  i said, getting concerned.

" im fine {name}.. you need to get some sleep-! " she said, getting more annoyied.

" but, im not fine. " i said, almost on the verge of tears.

she looks at me, getting worried instantly, " {name}.. im-- "

" jaehee, im worried for you, you say that i shouldn't sleep late since its bad for my health but.. you're sleeping late... " i said, holding her hand tightly.

" i only want you to be happy, {name}, i love-- "

i interrupt her sentence, kissing her on her soft lips as i continue to come closer to her, she becomes surprised at first but then blushed after a few seconds, embracing my love for her.

after a while, we stop kissing, jaehee feels her lips, breathing heavily as she still continues to blush really hard.

" {name}... "

" jaehee, i love you too much, please, for my sake. " i said, smiling.

this time. ill do it.

" but-- "

" please.. " i said, giving her a sincere hug.

she hugs me back, " alright.. i'll leave you to handle it.. i trust you {name}. " she says, smiling.

she gets up from her chair, walking slowly over to our bedroom, she turns around as she enters the bedroom, looking worried but relieved at the same time.

she shuts the door, leaving me with the rest of the unfinished paperwork.

i finally convinced her.. i dont want her to faint.. i dont want her to be struggling, i just want her to be loved and cared for, unlike the way that jumin treated jaehee.

i check my phone for the time, which is 10:58, i yawn as i take out the pen from earlier that i took from jaehee and started to work on the papers.


" i'm almost finished.. " i said, laying on the desk, slurring my words.

i never knew that there was this much to do to finalize a business.. jaehee must of done the hard bits for... us... for me

i check the time again, which happens to be 1:21 in the morning, i lay my head on the desk, on the verge of sleeping.

" no-! i shouldn't sleep now.. im almost done with the work.. im doing this for jaehee.. for us." i said, motivating myself.

suddenly, jaehee comes up behind me, giving me a kiss on the cheek, i instantly blush, making me become more energised in a second.

" jaehee..? what-t are you doing here--? " i stutter, turning around.

".. well.. i was worried.. about you, {name}. " she said, sitting next to me.

" worried about me? "

" yeah.. i miss you {name}.. there's this feeling inside of me that made me think about.. you, i cant get rid of it at all, i couldn't sleep at all.." she said, embarassed.

jaehee has been thinking about me..?

".. you miss me? " i said, placing the pen down back onto the desk.

" i miss you sleeping next to me, i miss your sweet hugs, i miss your delicate kisses, i miss you {name}.. " she said, taking my hand.

" jaehee.."

" sleep with me.. {name}, i want you to be next to me, always. " she says, getting up.

her loving words always bring me back to her, always.


" hey jaehee.. " i said, getting into the bed.

" yes, {name}? " she said, looking at me.

" did you know that i love you so much? " i laugh, pulling her to the bed.

" ack--! " she said, astonished by my action,".. of course i do.. {name}, did you know that i love you so much too? " she said, smiling at me.

we come closer, huddling the blanket together to the both of us.

" thank you.. {name} for doing the work that i couldn't finish. " she said, hugging me.

i blush, looking at jaehee's bright eyes, " jaehee, im here for you.. im always here next to you, ill always help you now matter what.. " i said, chuckling.

" and ill always be with you {name}.. " she said, kissing me on the forehead.

" always. "


A/N: yeeah... id turn gay for jaehee aiight ❤

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