do you love me?

400 19 7

" oi.. name.. wake up-- " jaehee whispers in my right ear, kissing me on the forehead.

nothing beats the love and kisses of jaehee..

i begrudgingly open my eyes to see jaehee on top of me, trying to wake me up, " well.. you certainly know you ways to get me aroused. " i chuckle, looking downwards at her breasts.

she's half naked--

she stutters, covering up her breasts with the beds blanket, " ah-! that-t was unintentional-- " she says, blushing.

i get up on the bed and softly kiss her on the neck, making her slightly moan, " well i know you too well too. " i smile, staring into her beautiful eyes.

she blushes, trying to regain her composure, " and i know you enough to know that i love you. " she says, covering her slightly red face.

i brush her long hair away from her lovely face, i chuckle at the sight of a jaehee without her glasses.

short hair or long hair.

glasses or no glasses.

she is certainly is the woman i loved way back then.

when she and i met over text.

i could certainly feel like i had a true connection with jaehee.

not with jumin, luciel, yoosung, zen or v.. but with only her.

why was she the one that captivated me the most..?

i clear my throat, laying back down onto the bed close to jaehee's sexy body, closely examining her features.

god damn.. i fell for her hard didn't i..?

her warm smile always lightened my mood up..

her willpower and intelligence too...

she just took my heart away in a heart beat.

everytime she would call me.. i'd just tell myself to calm down because i would always fluster whenever i had a single thought about her..

she really is amazing.

she caresses the side of my face, giving me a worried expression, " why.. did you stop..? " she asks, stuttering.

i sigh, " jaehee, why.. did you fall for me..? " i ask, preparing myself for her answer.

she thought of our relationship when we first met as just another member of the rfa..

every call that we would have felt like eternity with each other.. we would just talk about our problems, questions, even questions about if you have eaten yet..

but even though we have never met face to face during those calls and texts.. i always saw her profile picture..

she was just captivating.

she regains her composure and studies my face carefully, " name.. are you worried about us..? " she asks, getting distraught.

shit-! i didn't want her to get sad..

"... jaehee.. you've never really told me how you started to love me.. i guess i just wanted to know.. " i ask, biting my lip in distress.

she nods, slowly smiling, " you're were just special.. you know how people have moments in their life when they just feel like someone they meet is the one for them..? " she says, gazing at my eyes.

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