Chapter 18

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Emma's POV

I slammed the door in Killian's face why cant he see that I want to be with him. I mean yeah I was with Neal for like 15 years, but we wernt married or anything. I know I just lost him and he lost Milah, but I want to see if he and I can actually work this time.

"Mom is everything okay?" Chelsea asks me.

"Yeah Honey it is. Why dont you get some sleep." I say to her.

"Mom its only 8." She says.

"Chels you have a lot to think about. Like what are you planning on doing? I need to know." I say.

"Well heres what you need to know, I dont know what I want to do. Help me mom please." She says.

"Hun I cant make this decision for you. This is something that you have to make on your own." I tell her.

"Mom I cant make any decisions on my own just look what happened to me." She says.

"I know, but just because I have been through this doesnt mean I have all the answers. Just remember whatever you chose you will have to live with it the rest of our life. So know that whatever it is it has to feel right for you and whatever you choose your father and I will be there for you no matter what." I say.

"Thanks mom." She says and hugs me.

Killian's POV

Over the last couple days Chelsea has been thinking hard about this and I dont know how to help her. Emma must be doing so much better then I am with this. God I miss Emma... I mean Milah.

"Daddy, will I ever have a new mommy?" Keith asks.

"Well son, right now its just you, me, and Chelsea. Maybe one day, but not for awhile." I say.

"Dad, you here?" Chelsea asks walking in.

"Be right down." I say.

I walked downstairs and saw Chelsea crying on the couch.

"Im so stupid." She says.

"No your not. Now please talk to me." I say.

"Its this choice. Mom says that whatever I choose I live with it." She says.

"That is true. Your choice has to be your choice. I cant tell you how to think, but give me your thoughts on what your thinking about. Maybe saying them out loud might make it easier." I say.

"Well abortion is the easiest choice to make,but I really dont think I can live knowing that I killed something so innocent." She says.

"Well thats out of the question. Your just like your mother. She couldnt do that either. Now what about the other options?" I ask.

"Adoption and Keeping the child are tied. They both have pros and cons. Help me." She says.

"Im sorry my dear I cant. Your choice. Just know.." I say.

"You and mom support me. Yeah yeah yeah." She says.

"Thats right." I say.

"You know, I know there is something going on with you and mom. I think its time you say things out loud and realize that the love you to have is still there. Well I gotta go. Archie doesnt like it when Im late to our sessions." She says and walked out.

She really is a good kid. Emma and I raised her right. Now Im just going to do it. I go upstairs and drop Keith off at the park with Liam. I then headed over to Emma's.

"What?" Emma asks opening the door.

"I still love you too." I say and kiss her.

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