The Guy Next Door

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 Katie’s Pov

 I am so glad that I finally moved to London and got out of Australia I couldn’t wait to get out if there my parents and I didn’t get along but I got along really well with my two brothers Mason who is 21 and Heath who is 20. I also have a younger sister Carrie who is 17 and I am 19. Carrie and i got along pretty well because we were the only girls in the family and our ages are close so we talk to each other about boys and our personal life (sex life) we talked about when we lost our virginity and we both lost it at 16 we found that pretty funny because we are sisters and lost our virginity when we were 16 for me that was 3 years ago and for her it was last year. 

Carrie my younger sister ran away from home when our parents died in a car accident. My parents died in the accident 2 months ago and Carrie didn't take it that well because our dad was drunk and was trying to hurt our mum because he found out that he cheated on her with a guy in London so that's why I am moving to London because I need to find the guy that ruined my parents relationship and was kind of the reason that they died. 

I knew about the guy my mum never mentioned his named because she never wanted my dad to find out because she knew that he would flip and i promised I wouldn't tell because dad was abusive in the past to Carrie my mum and I. My mum looked happy every time she came home from a weekend down south dad thought it was with her friends but Carrie and I knew it was the English guy. 

After my parents died I got into real depression because my mum was my rock and Carrie ran away. I dated guys that would abuse me and cheat on me I would leave them and they would try and find me. I told my brothers and they protected me for as long as they could. Mason and Heath thought that it was a good idea that I was moving to London to start a new life but never to forgot Carrie, Mason and Heath because they are my life and to try and find this guy that my mum was having an affair with and tell him what has happened.

“Mas thanks for helping me move in” i said while placing boxes down in my room.

“That’s cool anything for my little sis”. Mason placed the box down and went outside to the car to get another box. “Katie is that......”

“Harry Styles the guy from One Direction” looking at Mason and he had a blank expression on his face.

“UHH yeah”

“Yeah he lives around here” Harry pulls up to the house next to mine and then I realized that HARRY STYLES lived next door to me how cool is that. I followed Mason inside and put the boxes down. “Uh Mas be careful with that one”

“Why?” Mason looking at me with a wired look then he opened the box and saw that it was things Mum and Dad gave me. “Oh sorry i didn’t know”.

“it’s okay.... so Mas you staying here tonight or going home?” When i said going home Mason looked at me with a confused look like he didn’t know what i was talking about.


 “Home, Australia, Melbourne?”

“Oh yeah i am going home my flight leaves in an hour so can you drop me to the airport”

“Yeah sure cause i never know when i am going to see my big bro”

I took Mason to the airport and we said our goodbyes. I made my way back home and i realized that i still had a shit load to unpack. This is going to take me all night.

I hopped out of my car my black range rover my dream car since i was a little girl. I do have a lot of money cause back home my mum and dad ran this very expensive company which means they got the big bucks and i got a lot to. Mason and Heath are running it and they told me if i need any money i can always ask them.

When i hopped out of my car i bumped into someone i think it was a guy! Well i hope it was cause i really need to meet people now i know no one.  


I hear some laughing and realize it’s a guys laugh i look up and i just looked into these greens eyes and realized i just bumped into Harry Styles. 

If you guys liked this please comment and i will keep on writing!! Please

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