Chapter 8

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Katie's Pov

I woke up the next morning in a happy mood from last night all I can think is about how Niall kissed me I am so surprised that he did I just can't stop thinking about it.

I walked down stairs to get some breakfast and i stopped at the bottom of the stairs to see a photo of my mum and I we looked really happy the photo was at my 18th birthday we were looking at each other and laughing. I remember that photo being taken I remember how she was telling what she did when she was 18 and how she would sneak out all the time to go meet her friends and go to party's and clubs and then she would come home and sleep without her parents even knowing and how they were oblivious to the situation. I didn't realize until now that I was crying I really miss my mum she was my everything she was my rock and I still can't believe she is gone.

I have been sitting in my room for an hour now and I was starting to get a little bit bored so I decided to go for a run just to get my mind off things and about that photo every time I look at it I have tears in my eyes and seem to always exercise.

While I was running i looked at the clock to see that it was only 9am and realized I had only been running for an hour so I decided to go home so I could have a shower and just relax for the day. While I was running home mine and mums song came on. You might think we are wired but our song is 'it's my life' by Bon Jovi. Wired I know right but we love and and we always crack it so I decided to listen to it full blast while I'm running home.

When I got home the song was nearly ended and when I got there I saw the boys outside Harry's house sitting out the front having a beer and just chatting.

"Katie hey" one of them said and I was pretty sure it was Liam

"Huh hey guys" I said and smiled

I didn't realize that the guys were staring until I looked at myself and realized that I was only wearing a lime green sports bar short sport shorts and my hair in a pony tail. When I realized I had a little bit of a giggle and Niall and Harry blushed.

Wait a minute why would Harry blush...

"Do you wanna join?" Harry said with a smile

"Yeah let me just hop in the shower and I'll be back in a few" I said and smiled

After I got out of the shower I put on some high waisted denim shorts with a black bandeau and a tartan jacket with my black vans, my hair was in its natural waves and I had natural makeup on.

Once I was done getting ready I walked out and headed to Harry's. We were sitting down having a few beers her and there. My phone was going off but I kept on ignoring it cause if I answered it that would be rude.

"Katie you gonna answer your phone it's pissing me off" Zyan said

"Uh yeah okay sorry excuse me" I said an walked away with my phone

~phone conversation~

| M= Mason


| K= Katie


| H= Heath


M & H - KATIE!!!

K- hey what's up

M - why haven't you been answering

K - I have been hanging with Harry and the rest of the band.

H - whose Harry and what band! Katie

M - heath that's not important now

H- okay sorry mas you tell her

K - tell me what!? What's happened

M - uh Katie dans been in an accident and isn't waking up we are so sorry Katie

Once mason told me that I just started crying and I wouldn't stop.

K - what how what happened!!

M - umm well

K - someone please tell me!

H - he was walking home one night from a party and this drunk driver hit him and he fell and hit his head pretty hard. I'm so sorry Katie I know you and Daniel have known each other since birth but there is still a chance he will wake up we are at the hospital now with his parents we will keep you posted.

K - oh my god can you tell him I love him and that he needs to wake up so I can see him or at least let me say one last goodbye.

H - we will

M & h - we love you.

K - love you to.

After that the call had ended and I was crying but I had to stop cause I was going back to the boys.

I started to walk but to them and acted like nothing is wrong they kept on asking what was wrong and I kept on saying nothing. After few hours I went back home and saw a photo of dan and I we looked happy and that's when I lost it.

I was crying so much I was throwing things breaking what I could find I was smashing plates an glasses I picked up one last thing I was about to throw it and saw it was dan and me it was our photo the last one at the airport before I left and all I could think about was why did it have to happen to him and I slid down to the floor and sat their crying.

Harry's Pov

I could hear things smashing at Katie's house so I went to go check it out and I opened the door and saw her place was a wreck and that she was crying on the floor holding a photo.

I walked over to her and she still didn't notice me so I sat down and hugged her.

She hugged me back after she realized it was me.

I saw the photo was of her and a guy but i didn't ask who it was cause that could make her more upset so I left it.

She was still crying.

"Harry why does it always have to happen to me my family and friends" she said while sobbing

"Its okay you can talk to me" I said

"H-Ha-Harry" she said sobbing

"It's okay you don't need to tell me now come one lets go to bed"

Once i put Katie to bed I left and went home and I made sure that in the next morning I'll be there to help her get through this.

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