Chapter 2

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Harry's Pov


I started laughing. I don't know why I just felt like laughing.

"I'm so sorry for bumping into you I was just hopping out of my car I am so sorry"

"Aye it's okay I walked into you no big deal"

I helped her up because when I bumped into her she feel to the ground

"Haha okay. Thanks for helping me up"

She started walking off until I asked her

"I didn't catch your name?"


Katie what a nice name

"Harry! Harry styles. You might know me I am in...." Before I could finish my sentence Katie finished it for me

"One direction I know I know who you are"

She said that in such a sass way I started laughing a little bit when she said it.

"Aye what's so funny?"

"Oh nothing just how you said 'one direction I know I know who you are' just sounded so sassy I thought it was funny. I reckon you would get along with louis well people think he has the most sass in the band"

"So I have heard" she said.

"Well I have to go I'm on my way to a netting can't be late you know"

"Yeah that's cool I still have to finish unpacking anyway but it was nice to meet you"

"Yeah you to see you around?"

"Uh yeah see you around"

Katie started walking away. I couldn't help but look at her when she walked in the house I just kept on thinking about her she has the most amazing blue eyes in the world and her smile is so nice and.....

"Aye Harry's here" Niall said and jumped on my back. He always does that and interrupts my thoughts.

"Hey Niall! what's up?" I asked with the most blank and bored face in the world.

"Why do you look wired?" 

"What do you mean?" 

"Like you have the blankest expression on your face in the world" Oh shit he knows I met a person do you think he knows is a girl? I hope not.

"Boy's Simon is ready to meet with you" The lady at the desk said.


"I am so glad that meeting is over" Liam said.

"I know that was pointless" Zyan added.

The meeting was about how we just finished our tour and we kind do whatever we want which I think was pretty cool.

Katie’s Pov

I have finally finished unpacking. Shit this house took so long well I kind of guess it would because it was fucking massive. Heath called me 2 hours ago because he went through some of mum’s things at work and found out that the guy she had an affair with was Thomas Keith.

“Knock Knock” someone said. What the fuck how did he get in here haha wait i left the front door open opps my bad i should close it next time. “I hope you don’t mind the front door was wide open you should probably close it next time you don’t know how many creeps try and break in”

You don’t fucking say. “Umm hey yeah i probably should. Anyway what brings you to my home?”

“I just thought since you are new to this neighbourhood and well new to this country i thought i could show you around”.

Well no fucking shit i am new i am from Australia. Be nice Katie he is trying his best and besides i need to meet people. I say to myself to clam myself down.

“Uh yeah great that will be awesome”

“Okay great I’ll be back in like 30 so be ready”

Crap he is coming back in 30 fucking minutes, what the hell am i going to wear FUCK i am going out in the city with Harry Styles so i need to make myself look good.

In about 25 minutes i found myself in this:

My hair looked like this:

My Make-up looked like this:

i was pretty proud of my results and how i looked, i was pretty proud of what i ended up looking like.

Knock knock knock knock

I heard from down stairs i went down stairs and opened the door to Harry standing there looking so sexy.

“Wow you look nice” Harry said while looking me up and down

He didn’t realize that i noticed so i chuckled a little bit which made him blush.

“You don’t look bad yourself Styles” As soon as i said that he blushed way more it was so adorable but funny.   

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