Chapter 4

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Katie’s Pov

I have no idea what to do i am just standing there looking at Thomas just remembering what mum said about him he looks exactly how i pictured him and i can see now how mum went for him.

Harry is still standing next to me he nudged me and i moved forward so i was closer to Thomas.

“Your Emma’s daughter” Thomas said when he said that he thought i was coming to tell him to stop seeing my mum because it’s ruining my family but i am actually here to tell him that she is dead.

“Yeah i have something that i need to tell you”

“Well then take a seat” He led me to a seat and sat me done

“Harry are you staying or going?” Thomas said to him harry looked at me and i just shrugged.

“I will wait outside i think it’s best if you to just talk” Harry said and went outside and shut the door on the way out.

“So what was it that you would like to tell me Katie?” Thomas said and looked interested.

“It’s about my Mum” I said and then looked down.

“Katie i love your mum and i know that this might be hard but i am not going to stop seeing her if thats why your here” He said and i just kept on looking down.

“I know you love her and that’s not why i am here to be honest i would of loved it if you where in the picture not my dad because you made her happy and i loved that” i said and looked him straight in the eye.

“Made? What do you mean by made has she found someone else?” He said and sounded pretty pissed.

“No she hasn’t” I said with sadness.

“Then what do you mean?” He asked and sounded confused.

“Well my dad found out about you and he got pretty pissed and went out drinking and when he came home he saw mum and he took her up to their room and he started beating the shit out of her and then dragged her down stairs and he took her driving. Carrie, Heath, Mason and I tried to stop him but we couldn’t, we waited and waited for them to come home but then we got a call from the police saying that there has been a car accident and that it was our parents and that they died instantly.” I told Thomas with tears streaming down my face.

“What E-Emma is dead?” He said with the saddest tone and had tears in his eyes.

I nodded and then stood up.

“Where are you going?” Thomas asked while crying.

“I think it is best if i should go” I told him and started walking out i was about to open the door until i was interrupted by Thomas hugging me and telling me it’s going to be okay.

“Can i ask you one more question before you leave?”

“Yeah anything”

“How long has Emma been gone?” He looked into my eyes with some much hurt in his heart.

“2 months ago” I told him

“Oh my god” He said and stepped back into a chair and put his hands through his hair.

“Wait Katie” He walked back to his desk and pulled out this little box.

“I want you to have this i bought it for you mother but i think you should have it you look a lot like her you know” Thomas handed be this box and it was a bracelet that said ‘I will love you till the day i die’

“I cant take this Thomas” I said while handing back the box

“No i want you to have it” he said and put the bracket on my wrist.

“Thank you so much”

I walked out and saw harry talking to Louis and Niall he saw me walk out with red eyes and come over to me and hugged me i started crying into his neck while he was rubbing my back and telling me that he is here for me no matter what.  

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