Chapter 2: His mate and her Savior {edited}

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"So you guys decided to pick on a girl huh? Well too bad cause I ain't letting ya....." Then she turn around and saw...........
A man with white hair like her, but spiky with beautiful Golden eyes came into the scene. With two men standing behind him like his underling (which they are).

"Tobi, Kiji, take the girl to somewhere safe. I'll deal with this," he said as he glared daggers at the men in front of him. "Yes, boss," they quickly did as they were told and brought her to a safe distant, away from their now pissed off boss.

"You guys have some nerves, trying to do those stuff in my territory. Especially to a girl. But I'll give you a chance to run away because I'm such a nice guy," he started walking to his pipe as he smirks at them.

'Right. A Nice guy...' Tobi and Kiji thought nervously and sweatdropped as they watched their boss stretch.

"And what can a halfbreed like you can do, huh?" One of leader's underling said smugly.

Wolf glared dangerously at them as he picked up his weapon. "Oh this halfbreed can become your worst nightmare."

He ran full speed at them, kicking the one who called him a halfbreed in the face and started to attack the other, while saving the leader for last.

They pulled out their own weapons and started to do the same. One of them ran up to him, trying to punch him. Wolf skillfully dodge it and swing his weapon right into his stomach, knocking him out. They all charge at him. One tried to cut him, but wolf did a backflip while giving him a kick to the face, knocking him out instantly as well. The remaining underlings grabbed his arms, trying to push him down as wolf was trying hard to not fall down. The leader then pulled out a knife and ran to wolf, ready to strike him. Aries saw this and ran to wolf at an inhuman speed, positioning herself to take the attack. He push the knife right through her stomach and pulled it out. Blood started to dripped at an alarming rate and she began to lose conscious.

Wolf P.O.V
For some reason, I got extremely angry when he did that. I elbowed them right in the stomach. I threw my pipe at his lower region. Even though I heard that it was painful when you do that, he still deserves it. I ran and caught her just in time before she hit the ground. I saw him rolling on the ground as he hold his 'pride and joy'.

"Tobi! Kiji! Take her to the nearest clinic in this area. And make it quick." I said. "Y-yes, boss!" They quickly took off with her.

I turn around, only to find that they were trying to get away. Well except their 'leader'. He is still holding his gem. I mean seriously, it can't be that bad.

"You guys are dead meat when I'm done with you." I said as I turned into my demon form, which was rare for me to do so. And I started to beat them up, brutally and mercilessly.

'Why am I so angry at them? This is weird..' He thought

'Are you that dense? I can't believe that my human half is like this. So embarrassing,' His demon half said as he mentally facepalm himself.

'Shut up, Teme,' (If anyone know the reference, then I love you.)

Timeskiped by the narrator from SpongeBob
When I was done with my beating session, I ran to where Tobi and Kiji were. But not without giving a calm and not scary warning.

Wolf and the crossbreed [ blood lad ] {under edit} [On Hold]Where stories live. Discover now