Chapter 5: The start of the bet

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Wolf POV
I woke up to the damn light. Er..... Stupid sun light. I thought *sigh* I guess it's time to get up. Then I heard snoring and look down to see a sleeping Aries who is cuddling in my chest

, I guess I'll let her sleep in, she had gone shopping with those two and stay up pretty late , I thought as I strokes her hair, well , with this I have time to figure out how to get her to stay. I guess I show her around town and try to make her love me as much as I love her. Then Kiji and tobi burst through the door and almost wake Aries up. " you idiots , you almost wake her up ! " I said

" sorry boss but the boss from the north demon world is here to challenge you boss! And he has his men too! " Kiji said

" but that doesn't mean you can just burst through the door like that! And it's early in the morning! Who the fuck want to challenge me so early in the goddamn morning like that!? He tell him to come back in tomorrow and if he refuses tell him that I won't except his challenge then , got it!?" I shout at them " y-yes boss! " they said and ran " hmmm what going *yawn* on " she say while rubbing her eyes " sorry if I wake you up, you can go back to sleep . I'll let sleep in today"

" no, it ok. I have enough sleep for today anyway " " then why don't you go take a shower first then I'll go and after that we go to a restaurant and eat breakfast then I'll show you around town "

" what ? Why? " " did you forget about our bet Last night ? 'Cuz I didn't " " what are you- oh I remember now. Hehe then I'll be going first "
*A little Time skip*
When she finish, I went in to take a bath . Ahhh it feel so good . When I finish I walk out of the bathroom then I open my eyes to see a blushing Aries starring at me. Why is she starring at me?

Then realization hit me like a brick and look down to see that I only have a trowel on me. Oops.. Then I ran back to the bathroom and put my clothes on ( he has his clothes in the bathroom )

" sorry about that, I'm not use to have girls in my room so I forgot ." I apologize sheepishly " n-no it f-fine. I was just surprise that all " she said

She wear a pink and brown dress with white stockings , white gloves , a pink and black stripes hat and a white flowery design shoes . ( the picture is at the top and I suck at describe clothes (-_-') )

This time it was me who blush. Goddamn it , she's so cute. She look like a little ram that can't survive alone. I want to kiss her so bad.

What!? Are you crazy!? She is a ten years old! We can't do that yet! Well then I'll wait until she's sixteen then can we kiss her?

Well it depends if she is okay with it or not. Then it decided then. " umm wolf are you ok? You been spacing out for a while " " yeah I'm okay , just thinking " " well I ready now "

" then let's go. Oh by the way try to stay close to me and hold my hand tight ok? I don't want those demons try to eat you understand ? " " yeah I understand " She said

Wolf and the crossbreed [ blood lad ] {under edit} [On Hold]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें