Chapter 9: The Fight and Bell (Part 01)

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Guys, I am so sorry that I haven't updated this. There were some problems with the plot I'm planning, so I was kinda stuck. But I'm gonna update a part that I have already fixed but the problem is still at hand. So sorry that I haven't been updating this.


You must be wondering why I thought that. Well you see Tobi and Kiji are hosting the fight. Wolf is on the stage, waiting for Staz. And Fuyumi...well...she is going to be the 'ring girl'. Tobi suggested this and tried to made her wear a school swimsuit.

Key word: tried.

But Wolf said that it was too inappropriate for me. And made her wear a bunny suit instead, which I was grateful for because my innocent eyes will break if I saw that. And me? I'm standing outside of the ring, next to fuyumi. "Wolf, good luck out there!"

"I don't need luck. I'll win. Don't you worry." Wolf gave his toothy grin. "Even so, I'm still worried. I don't want to see you get hurt, Wolf." I'm looking away, blushing at my little confession. I can see Fuyumi cooing about me being so cute. Then wolf had a major nose bleed.

"Did he just get a nosebleed?" Tobi asked in disbelief. "Man, you can't find cheesy reaction like that in Shonen Manga or Anime." Kiji said also in disbelief.

"Don't worry, ram. I will definitely win." He gave me a thumb up while trying to stop the nosebleed.

I waited for what felt like hours but finally Staz came. And then the battle begin when Fuyumi swirled in the middle of the ring while holding a sign that said 'ROUND 1'. I laughed a bit when she did that.

They ran at each other. They put themselves in an arm lock, hugging each other. Tobi asked them to back away, and they did. Wolf was hitting him again and again while Staz was dodging it, not making any move to fight back. Wolf punched him square in the face, knocking him to the ground. Kiji started counting. Until he said nine,  Staz got up and seem to be perfectly fine. He was even stretching!

"Had a good dream there?" Wolf asked.

"Yeah, the floor was nice and comfy." Staz was smirking too! I guess this is why they become boss. Scary if you asked me.

"Then I'll put you back to sleep again!" Wolf threw punches at him, left and right, while Staz didn't even attack back. He was blocking some of his attacks. Bruises were forming all over his upper body and face.

"This is bad." Mame said.

"Huh?" Me and Fuyumi said in unison.

"He is no match against Wolf in close-range combat. Staz can recover instantly from the damage he takes because of his vampire power but he can't keep up with this pace!"

"You have incredible healing powers alright. Must be that vampire blood of yours. I could stab you in the heart but you would still recover in a few seconds. But..." Wolf flashed and appeared behind him. " what!?" He punched him straight to the rope surrounding the ring.

"But what's left after taking all that damage? You can't win unless you fight back!" He continued to punch him but when he was about to finished him off, he suddenly lost his balance. Like he was tired or something, but he was only up there for a few minutes. Then something fall out from his neck, which seems to resemble a fang. "This is..."

"So you finally noticed?" Staz said, smirking for some reason.

"You bastard. You've been sucking away my magic all this time! By embedding this thing in me!" Wolf angrily throw the tooth away, next to Fuyumi and me.

"Is that a tooth?" Fuyumi asked.

"That's right. The old vampire tooth trick." He showed us a space where his former fang laid. "With every punch that you threw, you lost more of your magic powers."

"Aww hell yeah! Give him the old chew-chew drain! It inhales the damage from Wolf's attack by using his own magic!" Mame said, seems proud and impress.

"And that's why my damage is zero right now. So since you're running low on Magic, you should probably stay away till you recover!" And then Staz punched him upward right under the jaw. He flew up and then he was glowing yellow. "Playback payback!" Staz swings his arm down in a punching motion. Wolf flew down, hitting the ring hard. He threw out a lot of blood.

"WOLF!" I yelled out in worry.

"Aww. Would you look at that. The little human is worried about you. How sweet."

"B-Boss." Kiji said shakily.

"You should start counting now." Staz said.



"Née-San! Let go! I need to see wolf!" I said as I tried to get out of her iron grip.


"You can't! The fight isn't over yet!" She said.


"Listen to your sister, kid. If you get in there, there will be problems." Mame said in seriousness


"But I can't just let him get beaten like that!" I said in a panicky voice.

"Let me tell you something, kid. Wolf only have two choices at the moment. One is to give up, and two is to keep on fighting. I can guarantee you that he will choose the second choice." He said


"W-What?" I asked shakily.


"Wolf has his pride. He would rather die like the fighter he is than give up like a coward." Mame said.


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