Sold To The Highest Bidder

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"Sorry, sorry, I know I'm late, it's just I got held up, there was an injured dog just outside Long Hanborough and I had to call the vet and I had to wait for him to get there and what with all the snow and ice, and I had to comfort the dog and...."

"Hey, time out Charity, are you on a sponsored ramble, sheesh I get it there was an emergency, okay" Tim Osbourne held his hands up in mock surrender as I rabbited on.

Guess what I was late for work at the Crown again, but this time there was a genuine reason and Tim being the sweetheart he was, always forgave me.

Tim and Maggie his adorable wife were the landlords of the Crown Public House and had been for nigh on ten years, they were the epitome of the happy go lucky loving couple, with their three year old bundle of joy Ryan, who I had babysat on numerous occasions, he was adorable.

I think that's why I got away with being late all the time.

"Anyway Charity, I need you to do me a favour in return"

"Okay you want me to babysit Ryan?"

"No, that's not the favour, Gillian has the flu, so I'm one short for the bid for a date auction tonight for animals in need, I was wondering...."

"No need to ask Tim, you know me I'd love to, though I don't think you'll get much for me" I beamed.

"Well, I'll settle for a tenner" a wry smile on his face, then he winked at me.

"Thanks a lot for that vote of confidence" punching his arm whilst giving out a little chuckle.

"Well it all starts in earnest at nine, so scoot of about eight to doll yourself up, or whatever it is you women do okay"

"Okay and thanks Tim, for everything" as I pulled him in for a friendly hug.

As you can imagine the bar was very busy because of the auction and I was kept on my toes from the word go.

"There you go sir, one pint of bitter, a pint of lager, glass of white wine and two packets of plain crisps, £13.60 please"

"Thank you" I smiled handing him his change.

"Hey Chas, have you noticed that bloke sat over in the snug, he's been eyeing you up all night, I must say he can do me a favour or two anytime I can tell you"

Rachel Bachelor a tall, thin redhead with the looks and body of a Goth, which she was, tattoos and piercings in abundance.

I stood on tiptoe and peered over the bar crowd and laughed.

"How do you know he's looking at me , he's wearing sunglasses, though why he's wearing those in here I don't know"

"Well his head movements seem to follow you up and down the bar, I think you could be in there Chas"

"Yeah well we'll see if he bids for me then won't we"

"Hey you didn't Tell me you were in the auction" Rachel questioned, grabbing my arm firmly.

"Hey watch it girl" as I juggled with the glass I was holding. "I wasn't originally, but Gillian has the flu and Tim asked if I would step in"

"Anyway here" I handed her the glass I had near dropped. "I've got to go now and doll myself up as Tim politely put it, so see you in a while"

Dashing home as fast as I could, I shot down the steps to my basement flat and jiggled the key in the lock to get the front door open, as I past the large lounge area, I spied Karen perched on her boyfriend Clifford's lap arms wrapped around each other engaged in a heavy make out session, Karen got through men quicker than anyone else I knew, when they split up she just shrugged her shoulders and moved on to the next one.

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