You've Got To Be Kidding

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A hundred grand no way, the thousand was more than our little auction usually raised, but a hundred grand, had to be a hoax.

Then the crowd parted like the red sea and the tall muscular figure of Mr sunglasses strode through with an air of superiority, he smirked at the biker, who was seething and balling his fists.

"Well I ain't seen the colour of his money yet" hissed the obnoxious biker.

"Here's mine" he added slamming a pile of cash down on the stage, then standing arms folded with a smirk issuing an unspoken challenge to Mr sunglasses.

Who immediately pulled a cheque book out from his inside jacket pocket and a pen from another pocket all with exaggerated hand movements and with a flourish wrote out a cheque and dropped it on the stage next to the pile of money, then like a scene from a comedy everyone near the stage bent over to study the cheque, yep it was for one hundred thousand pounds, I lifted my head feeling quite dizzy, I managed to stagger backwards and very undignified flopped down on the small two seater couch.

As I looked up to see Mr sunglasses smirk at me and the next second Mr Obnoxious lift his balled up fist and swing it at him, I gasped and placed my hand over my mouth, then everything happened so fast, Mr sunglasses ducked turned came up and punched the biker on the nose causing blood to spurt everywhere, then the bikers friends wanted to get in on the action, until two humongous guys appeared out of nowhere and grabbed the bikers and dragged them shouting outside.

Then the authorities arrived obviously Tim had called them when things started to get out of hand. The four policemen came barrelling in the door and quickly assessed the situation, before calmly walking over to Tim, who explained the events leading up to them being called.

One of the policemen walked over to Mr sunglasses and started to question him, to which Mr sunglasses held up a hand signaling the sergeant to stop and then in a broad Oxford university accent said.

"Sargent, my name is Mr Cavendish and if you would like to call this number all will be explained and with that he hand the officer a card, who eyes went wide as he read it, he looked up at the guy and back at the card in his hand.

"Yes sir Mr Cavendish that won't be necessary, I will leave you to enjoy your evening, I'm sorry we disturbed you.

Then he turned briskly and waved his colleagues out the door.

While all this was going on I sat there like a frozen fish, mouth hanging open and unable to move, all that kept replaying over and over in my head was a hundred thousand pounds for me!

Then there he was standing directly in front with his hand held out towards me and that infuriating smirk on his face.

"Come on princess, I think I won you"

I looked at his hand then up at his chiselled handsome face, I was trying to comprehend why a gorgeous, obviously very rich man would pay all that money for a date with me.

Well thank you for the compliments princess"

Oh shit had I spoken my thoughts out loud.

"But I didn't bid for one date princess, I bid for a hundred dates"

This made me drop back down on to the couch that I had just struggled to get out of.

"What! a hundred dates, no way it's for one date and one date only"

"Well princess your absent admirer was willing to pay a thousand for one date, is that not true"

I nodded.

"Well I paid a hundred times more than that, so I expect a hundred dates"

And before I could object or say anything, he added.

100 Dates PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now