This Needs Fixing

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Alex's POV

God my mother can be so infuriating at times, if she thought for one moment I didn't mean what I said then she has another think coming.

Storming down the hallway towards the stairs I needed a dose of Charity to calm me down, turning the corner I almost collided with Rosalind as she came running at full tilt down the hallway.

"Whoa! Steady Rosalind, where's the fire"

"Oh your highness, thank God I've found you" in a raspy voice tears just starting to fall.

"Hey what's a matter why are you crying?"

"She gone" she cried, just before the tears took over.

"Who?" Though I had a good idea and I was starting to panic.

"Charity" she blurted out between tears.


I ran down the hallways avoiding shocked staff and burst into Charity's room.


Except for the jewellery and the clothes I had bought her, as grief and anger started to consume me, why had she left me, was my mother right, I couldn't believe it, then I spied the note in the centre of the bed and with shaking hands I picked it up and read it.

Dear Alex,

I am so sorry for everything, I have enjoyed the time we have spent together, but I don't want to be responsible for breaking up your family and I cannot bear the though of you not becoming what you are destined to be King.
I leave not because I don't love you, because I do with all my heart, I think I loved you from date one, but you have responsibilities that require you and your mother to get along and that is more important than anything else.
I'm sorry I couldn't live up to your mothers expectations of me, but I'm sure you will find the right woman to become your wife.
I leave because it's the right thing to do, please don't try and stop me, because I won't have the strength to resist you.
Just remember I will always love you no matter what, but this is for the best.
All my love.


I screwed the letter up and threw it on the floor and ran down the stairs, out the front door jumping into my limo and yelled at the driver to head to the airport as fast as possible.

I rang my security and asked them to trace the whereabouts of Charity, then the airport and demanded they held her flight up, to be informed it was to late she had already flown to Paris, that was the time my heart sank.

Instructing the driver to turn round and return to the palace, I knew now my life was over as far as I was concerned, without Charity I was nothing.


As the days past I still felt numb my mother who was the catalyst for all this, tried to pacify me but I didn't care, she set me up to met all the women she deemed suitable to be my wife but I didn't have any interest and they soon got the message.

Then one day my mother called me in to her office and after her first words, I couldn't take it any longer and my pent up fury was unleashed.

"Look Alex, that woman has gone and you need to think seriously about a wife, I have done my best to find you excellent candidates but you wouldn't engage with any of them"

"Mother you know I want to marry Charity, but you for some unknown reason do not want me to be happy, so you get to choose me a wife, I don't care who, but I'm not going through all this charade of looking, because I don't care"

Now my mother was angry.

"God Alex, you need to find a girl you will be happy with and stop this moping around, now I'll find you suitable companions and you need to be interact with them how else are you going to find the one you love?"

Now my anger blew and I shouted at her, the one thing I had never done to my mother before.

"Why don't you get it into your head that I love Charity and no one else can take her place, so if you won't let me marry her then quite frankly I don't give a shit who I marry, because there won't be any love on my part, don't you get that"

"Christ Alex grow up, look at your father and me we didn't get to chose"

"Exactly, so I don't give a damn who you choose, because we will just carry on the family tradition of hating each others guts and making all those around us unhappy as well"

"How dare you, it's not like that, your father and I get on"

"Yes you do now but do you love each other, no because you're​ incapable of love"

Now she was tearing up, as I confronted her with the truth.

"But I love you son"

"Do you... do you really, you let Arabella marry who she wanted, you claim you love me yet you would rather see me unhappy and miserable for the sake of your needs rather than let me be happy with the one person I truly love, so mother do your worst just don't expect me to be any different to you and dad"

And with that I stormed out the office.

The next week I kept myself busy and away from my parent's, I didn't need any interference from them, though to be fair my father had stuck up for Charity as well.

When my mother and I occasionally met I didn't speak, in fact I hardly spoke to anyone, my birthday was not far away and I was not looking forward to it at all, whenever anyone asked me what I wanted I couldn't give them an answer, for what I wanted no one could give it to me.

I even boycotted the selection process, where all the ladies deemed princess material were paraded in front of the royal family so I could point out the ones for my parent's to consider as my wife, but because I didn't care I never went, this caused another row between me and my mother.

Then one day the family were summoned to the dining room for a family meeting, I knew it was for them to tell me who they had picked for me to marry, so I went like a dutiful son and sat at the far end of the table to await my life sentence.

My mother sat, gave a small cough and began speaking and as she spoke she changed my life completely.

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