Officially Yours

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Now we were an official couple, life became more interesting, well perhaps interesting is the wrong word, more like hectic or chaotic.

Though Masaconia had been a small insignificant country, that all changed with the finding of natural minerals, now it garnered world wide interest and just taking that little step from friends to official friends had the world's media booking red eye flights to this little European country and they were arriving in their droves.

Alex was being touted as the man to impress by foreign governments as he had been the driving force behind finding the oil and minerals and also being the next king made him the target for hungry businessmen and the economic super powers.

So my quiet idyllic lifestyle suddenly became global news as papers, TV and the internet started a game of one-upmanship, who could dig up the most obscure stories about me and expose them to the world.

Teachers, friends and Co-workers all of whom I have never met had some wonderful stories to tell, while my family and true friends said nothing.

Also as official girlfriend I now attended official functions with Alex and that proved to be a trial, small functions like opening a new venue or attending a gala performance by the local amateur society became more like the New Years Day sales rush at a large store as the media hounded every step we made.

I was sure I would go blind from all the camera flashes and deaf from the amount of questions shouted in my ear, some angered me others upset me, but through it all Alex stood by my side and defended me, comforted me and held me.

Even trying to have time alone outside the Palace was proving difficult and had to be planned like a military operation, decoy cars being sent out, venues being shut down just so we could attend in peace.

But the one thing that kept me going were the snide digs and smirks directed at me by the Queen willing me to fail, but I was not going to give her that satisfaction.

Christmas day came and went and I had mixed emotions that day as I loved the effort that went in to Christmas in Masaconia, it was like being in one of those oldy worldly cards with the houses all covered in snow, carol singers with their lanterns, and children laughing and playing, I even got involved in a few snowball fights with the palace staff and their families and persuaded Alex to make snow angels much to the disgust of the Queen, though the king did join in for a snowball fight or two.

The down side was I missed my parents and my friends, though I spent a good hour skypeing with both parties their were tears all round and I had a severe bout of home sickness.

As the year was coming to an end and my dates with Alex were racking up, I knew I soon had to make the hardest decision of my life, do I go or do I stay.

New year's eve was an evening I will never forget as long as I live.

The palace threw a New Year's eve ball for all the workers in and around the Palace, hundreds of people attended, where they enjoyed food and wine, dancing, games and laughter.

As soon as I entered the ballroom I was mobbed by the friends I had made since my arrival, begging for a dance or just to talk, the evening was full of fun and laughter as we danced ourselves silly, the free flowing liquor helped and the food was amazing.

Halfway through the night I was claimed by Alex, who danced with me fed me and kissed me senseless and with the amount of alcohol in my system I had acquired extra bravery, which involved dirty dancing with Alex and serious flirting.

I could tell by his bodies reaction he was turned on and me I was a hormonal charged tigress and I knew I would have Alex tonight in his bed or mine, hell in the bathroom or the hallway, I didn't care so long as I had him.

The bells struck midnight and Alex and I were so sexually charged we were practically making out in front of everyone.

Alex pulled back from another bruising kiss his swollen lips matching mind, grabbing my hand and pulling me towards the door and he was in such a hurry that I had to practically run to keep up with him.

"Come on princess let's go to my room and I'll show you my etching"

So old and crass but, hey he could have just said, come to my room and I'll fuck you senseless, because one thing for certain however he phrased it, it was going to happen.

"Oh shit" I squealed and shot out of Alex's bed, making Alex sit bolt up right.

"What's up,where you going"

"The girls they won't know where I am and they'll be waiting for me"

As I rushed to put on last night dress.

Alex laid back and just laughed.

"I think they will have a good idea where you have been"

"I don't want them to have any idea where I've been thank you" hopping around the bedroom trying to slip my heals on.

"Are you ashamed that we spent the night together" he whispered.

I stopped and looked at him laying there like some naked Greek god and oh! I had the urge to jump on him and let him ravage me into the next year, but I knew I would be teased relentlessly if they found out and I still wasn't sure which way I was going home or stay, so I didn't want to hurt anymore than I could help it when I left.

But I had to be honest with him about last night.

"No Alex I'm not ashamed it was the best night ever" and I smiled to show him I meant it.

" But I must go, see you at breakfast" and I shot to the door, where I stopped and turned to him.

" Perhaps we can have a repeat performance tonight" as I let my dress slide off my shoulder exposing my naked breast while puckering my lips at him.

Alex growled and shot of the bed, I screamed hitched my dress back up and flew down the hallway and into my room, locking the door and turning around to lean on it a huge grin on my face, that was until I looked up and saw the girls standing arms folded glaring at me, I blushed at their unspoken question, then a bang on the door followed by a declaration from Alex, made me cringe and hide my face while the girls erupted into hysterics.

"Oh Charity it won't be a repeat performance tonight it will be all new and you will be screaming my name all night long this time"

The days soon turned into weeks and before I knew decision time had rolled around.

What to do, I couldn't decide which ever way I went I knew I would suffer, oh god Alex, mum, dad what should I do?

That problem was taken out of my hands by others and the answer became clear, I was making my way to the kitchens to see Maddy , when I heard my name being mentioned, I know what they say about listening at doors, but I couldn't help it and what I heard made the decision for me.

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