Getting Out

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As I stretched and gave a big yawn, trying to get my bearings, because there wasn't a solid ceiling above me it was a fabric one, then I remembered where I was, and sitting up I let out a cross between a gasp and a squeak, as standing at the bottom of the bed all in a row hands clasped in from of them were, Katrina, Grace and Rosalind.

"Gee's you frightened the life out of me" I huffed.

"Sorry ma'am" started Grace till I glared at her, she gave a little chuckle.

"Sorry Charity, but protocol dictates that the crown prince's companion must be tended to as and when required, so we have to make sure everything is ready for when you wake up, so your bath is prepared and your clothes are laid out as per the princes instructions"

"So" added Katrina "when you are ready we will bathe and dress you"

"You will not, I'm not an invalid" I snapped, climbing off the oh so gorgeous mattress and slipping on the robe laying at the foot of the bed.

"But..." Begin Rosalind.

"No!" Then softening my voice as it wasn't their fault they were following orders.

"Look girls, I'm not au fait with the customs and protocol's in this country, but I'm not happy about it, so let's make a deal, in this room we do it my way, outside we do it your way okay?"

They looked at each other, shrugged and agreed.

"Good now sit down anywhere, put the TV on, while I bathe and then if you could help me with my hair and makeup that will fine right"

They nodded in unison.

"Good now sit and relax, go" I made shooing motions with my hands till they shuffled over and perched on the edge of the bed, hands in their laps.

Sheesh this was going to be harder than I thought.

Turning the TV on I threw the remote on the bed and pushed Rosalind so she sprawled out on her back and quickly pushed the other two back as well.

"Now relax and enjoy" I called over my shoulder as I headed into the bathroom.


Every morning I woke to the three girls waiting for me and while I prepared they would relax and watch TV and then help with my hair, plus as they knew my schedule for the coming day they would teach me how to behave, so far it had all been confirmed to the Palace and I must admit I found a lot of it to stuck up and regimental.

For example I visited the kitchens because I had been exploring as Alex was busy with something and I was thirsty, wandering in and saying hello, caused bedlam as people rushed around and everytime they passed me they would bow or curtsey and I wasn't even royalty.

So I soon put a stop to that, reaching a similar agreement as I had with the girls, if it was just me then drop the protocol and after a hesitant start we got it right, the hardest part was Maddy the head chef an oldish woman, silver hair, rotund figure with ruddy cheeks and a sly grin.

But once I gave her my puppy dog eyes she reluctantly agreed, but after I hugged her and kissed he cheeks she was all in.

In fact she gave me cookery lessons on how to prepare traditional masaconian dishes, soon there was laughter in the kitchen as well.

But today was different the girls were not so cheerful and appeared apprehensive.

"Okay you lot spit it out what's up"

Sometimes I came out with English sayings and had to explain what they meant to the girls they knew English as it was required teaching in Masaconian schools apparently.

So after I got the meaning of my question across. Grace explained that today as it was the Sunday before Christmas the royals attended church and that meant I would be seen out in public with the prince for the first time and a lot of masaconians would be there.

This did unnerve me I must admit.

I mean okay we had dates whilst in the palace ground which were huge by the way, picnics by the lake, candlelit dinner in the large summerhouse, swimming in the luxurious indoor pool, a jacuzzi, a sauna, midnight snacks, the list goes on and on, plus the host was a perfect gentlemen and very attentive, which only made me fall for him a little bit more each time.

"So the protocol changes you have to be prepared by professionals for this momentous occasion"

And as if on cue my bedroom door opened and in trailed Kelsey, Magdalena, Jewel and Jasmine.

"What's up Chas, you look like you've seen a ghost" chuckled Jewel.

I let out a loud shriek and launched myself into their open arms as we jumped up and down squealing and laughing.

Finding some good old rock music on the radio we set about getting me ready for my introduction to the people of Masaconia, while dancing and singing along to the tracks we knew.

It also appeared that all the girls knew each other and had been out on a girls night out together on a few occasions, something I dearly would love to do with these guys, but for now I had more pressing problems.

It seemed that as per tradition the royal family attended church in the morning, lunch with the residents of Termalina in the form of a street party, followed by a concert in the evening by local drama societies.

The girls pointed out that though I was the crown prince's companion and not his wife, I was therefore not officially a princess, I had to follow behind and would not be seated with the royals.

Oh good it just gets better and better, however Grace, Katrina and Rosalind would be with me as my personal maid's.

Ten o'clock soon came around the allotted time to set off for the church, with everyone gathered in the main hallway, awaiting the King and Queen and the prince, soon a fanfare of trumpets sounded to alert everyone that the arrival of the royal party was imminent.

And sure enough they appeared at the top of the stairs and my heart dropped as I spotted Alex arm in arm with a beautiful woman as they followed the King and Queen down the stairs.

I felt a sharp nudge in my side and turned to find Rosalind leaning in to whisper to me.

"A looker isn't she"

I nodded trying to hold back my tears.

"Just like her brother the crown prince"

My head shot round to face Rosalind and to see a smirk on her face.

"Jealous much" then she winked.

Turning back I stared at the couple. So this was princess Arabella, Alex's sister. I felt a huge sense of relief, having thought the Queen had got her way or Alex had changed his mind about me.

But when he was halfway down the stairs his eyes locked with mine and he smiled and turned to his sister and then pointed at me, where upon his sister turned and smiled at me.

I hadn't noticed Rosalind lean in again till I felt her breath as she whispered in my ear.

"He's all yours my lady you can see it in his eye's"

I looked back up at him then turned my attention to his mother.

If only that were true, but his mother didn't want it, but what about me did I?

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