To much To Soon

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I sat and stared at him I was at a complete loss, why was I even here, sitting alongside the next king of Masaconia.

I hadn't even known there was a country called Masaconia let alone it had a king, until a few months ago when it hit the headlines that they were a small European country possessing large oil and mineral deposits this suddenly made them very important to the rest of the world as these were quite rare and valuable apparently.

Then my mouth gaped open even more if that was possible, as further revelations hit me, I stared at him even harder.

"Hang on a second" I managed to blurt out. "It says in the papers that you are to be married"

His eye's darkened even more, but they held mine captive with their sheer intensity I couldn't look away if I wanted to.

"That's correct" blunt and to the point.

"Then why are you here with me, am I a last fling before you settle down, sheesh what an idiot I am" I felt deflated and my shoulders sagged, the next thing I knew I was dragged to my feet held by my shoulders by two huge masculine hands and staring at an enraged prince.

Why the hell was he pissed off, because I found out his plans, no way was I going to be a last minute conquest, then in a barely controlled anger he spoke or rather hissed at me.

"You don't get it do you, you haven't read or listened to the whole truth have you"

I was so shocked at the venom in his voice I just automatically shook my head, this seemed to relax him and he forced a smile.

"I sorry it's just everybody thinks they know me and I get type cast as the playboy prince" he air quoted the last part.

"Please come with me and let me explain on the way to our date" his eyes held a pleading, puppy dog look, why is it men can get round any female objection with that look are they taught it at a very young age.

"Okay" I dragged out with a sigh and was immediately hustled out to a waiting Rolls Royce and helped in the back by Daniel and Alex.

I turned to Alex expectantly, he turned and ran his eye's over my body making me blush.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you how beautiful you look tonight, I'm afraid I'm not going to be able to take my eyes off you"

That caught me off guard straight away.

"Thank you, you look beautiful as well, I mean handsome" I Stuttered and blushed at the same time.

Geez get a grip Charity I bemoaned to myself.

"So!" I hinted waiting for his explanation.

"Promise me you will not say or do anything till I have finished the whole story"

I nodded.

"No I need you to promise, I know, to you a promise is very sacred, so I need you to say it"

"Okay" I sighed "I promise"

"Good, now I can tell you" and he did.

Starting with the tradition that the parents chose the bride or bridegroom for their offspring and how his parents had hated each other at first sight and the effect this had on the country as a whole, because their king and queen were sad and bitter so were the people.

And how his younger sister Arabella had runaway rather than marry her parents choice, this had caused uproar in the kingdom and almost civil war.

The king then decreed that all prince's and princesses had the right to chose their own partner, provided the king and queen and more importantly the country agreed that person was suitable.

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