A Nice Day Out

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"No I didn't know we had a date today, I thought it was tonight" I was trying to push him towards the lounge and away from nosy flatmates.

"But Princess we have to go shopping for your impending visit to my parents and your subjects" he had that damn smirk all over his face as he dropped into one of the lounge chairs.

I could hear whispering behind me and whipped round to find my flatmates hadn't taken the hint to stay in the kitchen, but had trailed in behind us.

I glared at them and Cheryl just shrugged as they all sat down either on the vacant sofa or cross legged on the floor, awaiting developments.

Before I could challenge then, I felt myself pulled backwards making me squeal before I found myself on Alex's lap, with his arms wrapped around me.

"Well what if I decide that I'm not going" I stated folding my arms over my chest in an act of defiance and also to hide my chests display of delight at being mauled by this hunk.

"Then I will switch back to plan A" again with the trademark smirk, now he was toying with my hair.

I swivelled around in his lap and glared at him.

"You wouldn't dare" I hissed.

"Oh believe me Princess I would"

"That's kidnapping, I could have you arrested"

By now my flatmates acted as though they were watching tennis at Wimbledon as their eyes flicked back and forth between Alex and me.

"Oh Princess your security service's would only be to willing to help, with a promise of mineral or oil rights" he winked.

I struggled to get of his lap and run, but he held me firm, leaning forward he whispered in my ear.

"I wouldn't do that if I was you princess, because I won't be held responsible for my actions and remember I have diplomatic immunity"

This made me freeze instantly, making Alex chuckle, as he relaxed his arms I seized my chance by stamping on his foot and as he yelped and let go I shot off his lap and headed into the bathroom, which was the only room with a lock on it and secured myself inside, amid female laughter emanating from the lounge.

After a few minutes there was a knock on the door and Alex's muffled voice.

"Come on Princess you can't hide in there all day, we need to go shopping"

"Well you can go I'll be fine right here" and to prove it though he couldn't see I perched on the edge of the bath.

Then there was a silence broken by some muttering and before I could register what had happened there was a loud crack and the bathroom door swung open to reveal a smug handsome SOB standing like captain America, head up hands on hips with an air of superiority.

And as he grasped my hand and dragged me out struggling, I looked with pleading in my eyes at my mates for help as they waved a fistful of money about.

Tina winked and waved goodbye as I was herded out the door and literally carried up the steps to the waiting car.

Daniel touch his cap as he held the door open and I was unceremoniously dumped in the back.

I scooted over to the far door and finding it locked, I huffed and folded my arms over my chest and stared out the window.

"Come on Princess, most ladies I know would love to go shopping" running the back of his hand up and down my arm.

"See" I snapped pulling away from his touch " That's what I mean I'm not like most ladies I'm me, I don't like shopping, plus I don't need any more clothes I have a wardrobe full" as my voice trailed away into a mumble.

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