Decision's, Decision's

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"So Prince charming where are you whisking your bride to be off to tonight" Tina never one to beat about the bush, the say it as it is type.

Alex's eyebrows raised as he turned his head to me and smirked.

Yeah, yeah I told them, so would you under their threats of intimidation.

"Well" his baritone voice echoing around our small room, as he turned to face the girls

"That's a secret, but I can assure you it will be romantic, nothing but the best for my bride to be" the last part said as he turned again and fixed me with the stare that said my time of abstinence was nearly at an end.

I went tomato red and lowered my head, but I felt his stare boring right into me as the girls chuckled and ooh'ed.

Regaining some sanity and the fact my blush had died down, I looked up to find everyone staring at me, the girls willing me to let my hair down and go for it and Alex practicable the same thing, but his eyes and face portrayed it differently, there was something else in his gaze, something warm and soothing, some thing loveable, like..... Shit!

"Al... Al... Alex, may I ask you a question" to which he nodded.

I swallowed and tried to find the right way to ask the question without being embarrassed or offended by the answer I might receive.

"Do you really like me?"

His eye's narrowed and the colours darkened as his face took on a serious look.

"Well" He said indecisively "I do like you a bit"

There were gasps in the room and I wiped a stray tear away.

"But I love you a hell of a lot" He added. Before anybody could react he continued.

"I have loved you for a long time and I know deep down you love me, I just need you to accept that and make me a happy man"

Silence utter stone dead silence, as us girls processed what he had said, then Cheryl spoke.

"Good because we know she's falling for you, from the way she talks about you"

I shot her a death glare, those chats were private, how dare she share them with him, the object of my growing affection.

"Good because it's my intention to make you the next Queen of Masaconia"

Cue more sharp intake of breaths, mine more than anyone elses.

I know he had told me all this before and to be honest I just thought it was a ploy he used on all women to get them into his bed, but now he admitted he loves me and what he want from me in front of my friends.

"But how can you say you love me, we've only just met, even if you have been stalking me for three weeks and don't say love at first sight, because I don't believe it"

"Oh but Princess it was love at first sight and I have been harbouring that love for not three weeks but nearly a year"

"What..., how...., when...., a year, I haven't known about you for a year" I was struggling with speech now, as nothing he was saying made any sense.

"But I have known you, do you remember a man with a scarf around his face whom you helped to carry boxes to the bear hotel when they fell from his hand onto the wet pavement?"

I searched my mind and yes it did bring back a memory, I nodded.

Then how about the guy who was lost in Oxford who couldn't speak any English and you went out of your way to lead him to the railway station?"

Again the answer was an affirmative.

Then he reeled off at least another ten encounters that struck true.

"So you see we have know each other quite a while"

"You mean they were you, all those times I helped you"

"Absolutely, the first time you carried those boxes and I watched you walk in front of me, your movements, your tight arse in those blue jeans, that ponytail you seem to favour, rather than your gorgeous hair blowing free in the wind, the baggy tops that hid your lithe figure and when I handed you the first box our hands touched, I felt the connection straight away, I knew then you were to be my princess and the next Queen, so I made sure we met up at every opportunity, as I was studying at Oxford I kept tabs on you and engineered the meetings whenever I could"

"You followed me for a year, but you said three weeks?" I was totally blown away by now, this is bordering on being a fairytale, Prince stalks girl, prince falls in love with girl, Marries girl, become king.

"Do you still doubt my intentions, I had planned to kidnap you and take you to Masaconia and make you fall in love with me, but luckily for me I was in the Crown the night of the auction watching you and seized my chance, if I couldn't make you fall for me in a hundred dates then I would let you go and marry whom my parents decided, but it would be a loveless marriage, because my bride wouldn't have been you"

Now I was a gonna, completely and utterly gone.

"I see" I choked out in a whisper, I looked at the girls who were all wiping their eyes and silently pleading with me to give it a chance.

I sighed internally, then externally, hell what had I got to lose, I was falling for him that much I was sure of and yes it may have been love at first sight for me as well I don't know, but unless I took that leap of faith I would never know.

"Okay, I'm willing to give it a go, so yes I will go to Masaconia with you, besides what else would I do with all those clothes you insisted on buying me?" I chuckled.

The girls cheered and squealed and Alex just kissed the hell out of me and I knew he had just captured another piece of my heart.

But deep down, way down in the bowels of my very soul, I knew that I couldn't marry Alex, leaving my parents was not an option for me.

I knew my parents would urge me to do it, I couldn't so I was mentally preparing myself to kiss him goodbye after the hundred dates were up.

100 Dates PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now