The Hundredth Date

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Surrounded by my friends all eager to dress me up for the party fussing and fighting over which dress I should wear and what shoes and so on.

"For goodness sake, will you lot stop bickering and help me, else I'll be late" I chastised them.

"Yes your highness" Tina said in a mocking voice before pulling of a ridiculous over the top curtsey, which had another round of laughter emanating around the room.

The girls had explained that as I was being so stubborn and wouldn't go back to Masaconia even when commanded by the Queen no less, that they were instructed to use plan A by her majesty.

The girls had been sceptical at first but the Queen had convinced them that her intentions were purely honourable and that she had been mistaken about me and wanted to make things right and when she said she wanted them all to come, that clinched it, they knew they could look after me then.

Eventually the bickering died down and everyone agreed I was ready, then with a look at the time and loud shrieks, they realised they didn't have much time to get ready themselves, so they fled my room, now arguing about which one of them should be made ready first, all l could do was smile at my retreating army of friends.

As I twirled back and forth in front of the full length mirror admiring myself, there was a faint knock on my door, as I bade them to enter, the door swung open and my parents stepped tentatively into my room.

That was it for me as for the second time that night I rushed to hug them, trying desperately to hold my tears in so as not to ruin my makeup.

"Mum, Dad what are you doing here"

"We're here to see our daughter" replied my father.

"No I mean in Masaconia"

"Well" began my mother "We had an offer we couldn't refuse"

"Oh!" Now I was intrigued.

"Yes we bought a guest house here in the city of Teramalina, well it's more a hotel really and we are in the process of moving in"

I was stunned, the last time I was with my parents, they were devastated after their guest house burnt down, now they were moving here to run a hotel... Wait a minute something doesn't quite fit here.

"Mum, Dad"

"Yes honey?" My father answered.

"Why would you want to run a hotel here of all places"

"To be near you sweetheart, our place was gone and you were going to be here, so we came to be near you"

"But when.. how did you know I was going to be here" I probed.

"Well that was easy the Queen and your fiance told us you were coming to live here and he helped us to get the hotel and move in, the price was surprisingly cheap and apparently it includes a full refurbishment and new furniture"

"I bet it does" I mumbled to myself as the truth began to take shape.

"But when did all this happen" I persisted.

"Oh about a month ago I think, just after your visit, anyway does it matter? the fact is we're here and you're here, so thats fine isn't it?"

"Yes it great" and I meant it as I hugged them again, it didn't mean I wasn't going to have a word with my fiance about this though.

Just then my friends came bounding back into the room all dressed in their finery, they stopped their larking about when they saw my parents and behaved like mature women and not hormonal teenagers.

100 Dates PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now