They're Dangerous ~ Chapter 1

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"Don't believe anything he says, and don't ever, ever, ever..." My father paused, turning around and looking down at me. "Find yourself alone with him." He warned before turning back around, looking around the toy factory. "He's dangerous. His son might be too."

"If they're so dangerous, then why're you shipping me to Seattle?" I asked, rolling my eyes and following him as he did his daily walkthrough of his toy factory.

"Because your mother wants you to live with her for a while. She wants you to be exposed to the 'real world', whatever that means" He grumbled as he sat down next to Charlie, one of the teddy bear stuffers as he started stuffing a new bear.

"Mornin' Santa" Charlie smiled. He looked about 10 to anyone who wasn't born in the North Pole, but he was actually a teenager. About 200 years old, I think. He just had a birthday.

"Okay, well how do I know who they are? I mean-"

"They are cold hearted people. They love the snow, the rain too. Sure, they can stand heat, but they hate anyone warm" He sighed, interrupting me. My eyebrows knitted together in confusion and I opened my mouth to speak, getting cut off once again by my father. "We all have love for each other here, even if we don't get along. Love is the warmest thing on earth. If you're a kind, loving person, you're considered warm to them" My dad shrugged before patting me on the back, standing up. I groaned as I turned around, starting to follow my way too cheerful father once again. Everybody was so cheerful, it made me sort of depressed. 

"Well, they can't be that dangerous. What're they going to do? Freeze everything?" I snorted, blinking up at my dad to see a worried expression plastered all over his face.

"Chrystal, you have to just trust my advice to stay away from Jack and Niall Frost. Do you understand?" He asked, pointing a finger at me. The whole factory went quiet.

"Yeah, whatever, it's not like I'll run into them anyways..." I shrugged, crossing my arms as I looked up at him through my eyelashes.

"Good" He nodded, standing up straight and looking around. "Get back to work. Everyone" He called out with a reassuring smile.

"Sure thing Santa!" They all smiled, and the chattering resumed. Another thing about them. They seem to always speak in unison.

"Start packing, your flight leaves soon" My father smiled happily before walking over to the naughty and nice station.

'Flight' my ass. I hated riding in that stupid sleigh with those putrid smelling reindeer. The real flight was in New York, which I was kind of ecstatic about. I'd finally get to ride on my first plane ever. With a roll of my eyes, I dragged myself to my room, walking into the massive bedroom and closing the door behind me, packing all of my wardrobe and a few extra things. My dad already sent my important belongings to my mom's house, which was probably a pain condsidering his version of 'sending' things included packages magically appearing on the front doorstep.

"The sleigh's ready, Chrystal" Holly, my helper elf smiled at me right after I finished taking my hair out of it's ponytail. I nodded quietly, slipping my shoes on and walking out of my bedroom, lugging the awfully heavy suitcase behind me. I lugged that damn thing down the stairs, through the toy factory, and outside to the sleigh, dropping it in the back and catching up on my breath. There was someone in the sleigh, but it wasn't my dad.

"Where's Santa?" I gasped out to the guy behind the reins, still catching up on my breath.

"He's busy, but he says he loves you" He smiled. I think his name was Horace, or something like that. I hate that name. I rolled my eyes. My own father was too busy to say goodbye to me. That definitely boosted my strong disliking of this place.

"Whatever" I sighed, sitting down next to him and crossing my arms. Practically pouting like a seven year old who didn't get what they wanted for their birthday.

"Bye, Chrystal!" All the elves smiled, waving as the sled rose up and hovered in the air.

"Fuck you guys" I grumbled. And we were off.


A/N: Sorry this chapter's kind of lagging, but every good story needs an introduction/ background chapter to let you know what you're reading, right? Thank you so much! See you next chapter ;) 

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