Pig's Blood ~ Chapter 10

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"You're going to need someone to rehearse with, to get used to this arrangement" Mr. Carden smiled as everyone filed out of the room. " 

"Okay, uh-" 

"I've talked to Niall about it, he plays guitar, drums, bass, anything you can think of. He'll help you with the music" He said as he apparently seemed to be waving someone over. I raised an eyebrow, opening my mouth to say something. "So. Niall, Chrystal, Chrystal, Niall. Don't know if you guys've met yet, but, y'know" He shrugged as Niall held the electric bass he was holding by it's neck. 

"Hi" I smiled weakly, nodding as he just narrowed his eyes at me. 

"I'm here until seven every day except weekends, obviously. That's when I've got my pathetic job" He muttered before turning on his heel and walking back to where the case for the bass was, carefully setting it down in the padding. 

"Right" I sighed quietly, adjusting the leather strap of my bag on my shoulder before walking out. Damn it, Charlie. I looked up at the door of my chemistry classroom, seeing Charlie leaning against the bench outside of it. DAMN IT, CHARLIE. 

"Chrystal" He muttered, smiling pulling me aside. "Listen, you've got to stay away from that guy-" 

"Charlie. Enough. He's not dangerous. I don't know what the hell's wrong with you, but he's just a normal guy. Leave him alone" I snapped quietly, obviously pissed off now. 

"You don't understand, didn't you see his eyes?" He asked, groaning as he flopped down on the bench. 

"Of course I did, they're blue..." I trailed off as he walked into the classroom, glancing at me quickly before looking ahead of him. "Or...at least one of them is" I muttered. 

"That's exactly my point!" He nearly shouted. "You need to listen to me-" 

"You're going to be late to class, goodbye Charlie" I muttered before walking into Chemistry. Charlie cursed under his breath, walking to his drama class.  

"Chrystal, I'm just going to have you take a pre-assessment quiz. It's mandatory before you work on any of our labs" Ms. Gall smiled as she handed me a ten page packet. I raised my eyebrow, looking at the papers stapled together. 

"Of course" I smiled weakly, looking up at her before taking the packet and walking into the counseling center to fill it out. "Quiz my ass" I muttered as I sat down in one of the chairs with a desk attached to it. I was halfway done with the packet when two seats were filled in next to me. I looked over, seeing both of my wonderful siblings-to-be, sitting there with dull faces. "Bum day?" I chuckled as I raised an eyebrow. 

"Worse" Wendy muttered, crossing her arms. 

"Apparently, you're not supposed to play a prank on the new kid because the drama teacher says it's 'hazardous to him and everyone around him'" Sam muttered. 

"You're so fucking stupid, Sam, who the fuck plays the dumbass pigs blood in a bucket prank, this isn't the movie Carrie for fuck's sake" Wendy snapped. 

"Wait, new guy in drama?" I asked, standing up. 

"Yeah, he's got a sweater vest, dark brown hair. Nerd glasse-" 

"Sam, you're a fucking idiot" I groaned, running out of the counseling center and into the office. I walked right past the front desk, looking around for the nurse's office. I finally found it, walking towards the entrance. 

"Young lady, you're not supposed to be back there-" 

"Shut up!" I shouted, turning around. The paper next to her slowly started on fire as I stared at her. the edges started to curl up, and that's when she noticed the paper. She screamed, and put it out with a fire extinguisher. I furrowed my eyebrows, turning back around and continued towards the nurse's office. Surely I didn't do that. Right? 

As soon as I got close enough, I could hear faint sniffling from behind the metal door. I sighed, knocking on the door three times, clearing my throat. The sniffling stopped, and a blind slightly bent downward as familiar pale green eyes peered through the window. The blind snapped back into place immediately, and there was three knocks from the other side. I chuckled, turning the knob, but it was locked. I knocked again, sighing. 

"Charlie, let me in" I sighed. There was one short knock before I heard a click. I opened the door, seeing a miserable Charlie. His clothes were stained, and some of the 'blood' was still in his hair. I had a feeling it was food coloring though, because his face was lightly stained a dark pink. "Pink's a good look for you" I smiled weakly as I shut the door behind me. 

"It's not funny, Chrystal. I'm embarrassed." He muttered as he looked at himself in the mirror in the small bathroom attached to the sanitary room with two twin beds. 

"I'm sorry" I sighed, sitting down on one of the beds. He slid off both of his shirts, throwing them in the corner. 

"Are all humans like this?" He asked. His tone of voice broke my heart. He looked at me sincerely, his eyes brimmed with tears. "Are they really this cruel?" He muttered, his voice cracking. I sighed, standing up and walking into the bathroom as well. 

"God, Charlie" I whispered as I folded up a paper towel, running cold water over it and trying to clean up what was left in his hair and on his face. "Some people are just plain mean. Nothing like the pole" I muttered sympathetically. 

"I hate it here" He muttered simply, seeming to pout. I chuckled, throwing away the now red paper towel, and trying to back up. My foot caught on a wire to the vacuum cleaner laying across the floor, and I started to fall backwards until Charlie caught me. "It's far from the pole" He whispered. I never noticed how beautifully pale his eyes were until now. It was dead silent in my world as we both leaned closer to each other. 

"Oh, Jesus Christ" An obviously disgusted Irish accent groaned as the door to the bathroom slammed closed. Charlie dropped me and inspected the handle of the door and everything around it. 

"What the fuck're you doing?" I groaned as I got off of my butt. 

"He touched the door, there's..." He muttered, touching the snowflake on the knob. "It's cold" He whispered. 

"Charlie, you're so full of it" I muttered, obviously annoyed as I brushed my butt off, pushing past him and opening the door. The knob was ice cold, and there wasn't a trace of Niall anywhere. 

A/N: Plot twist sorry whoops. I swear, after this chapter, things WILL start to escalate. If they haven't already for you... I got so much feels from this chapter bc Logan Lerman and and ugh pure perfection. Ok. See you next chapter! Comment what you thought about this chapter. Love you, bye!

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