I'm a Lightweight ~ Chapter 9

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"Are you listening to me, Miss Kringle?" A hand slapped on my desk in front of me. I snapped out of my dream state, looking up at the old, nearly bald man that was talking to the whole class about how sand is made into Glass. 

"Um, yes, mostly" I muttered quickly, clearing my throat. 

"Great" He smiled after pausing to look at me closely. "Then you'll be ready for the quiz tomorrow" The bell rang just after that. I was officially screwed in one of my classes. On my first day, that has got to be a world record or something. "Good day, Chrystal" He smiled as I stood up. 

"Have a good day, Mr. Worthy" I muttered as I picked my bag up. Something about him creeped me out to no end. I walked back into the main hallways of the school, looking for room 122. A hand touched my shoulder, and I quickly whirled around. 

"Whoa, jittery much?" Sam chuckled, furrowing his eyebrows. 

"S-sorry, just a bit tired" I cleared my throat. "What's up?" 

"How's your first day? Did you meet any new friends?" He asked. Damn, he drilled questions like my mom. 

"Um, weird, and kind of" I chuckled, shrugging. 

"Chrys! Chrys!" Charlie called after me, struggling to put papers in his bag as he shuffled towards Sam and I. 

"Here comes the kind of" I chuckled as Charlie stopped in front of us. 

"I figured it out. I-" He interrupted himself, putting his hands on his knees and catching  up on his breath. "His eyes, he-" 

"This is Charlie. Sam, Charlie, Charlie, Sam" I smiled. Charlie looked up, nodding and still breathing heavily. 

"Hi, nice to meet you, mister Samuel. Right now, something's kind of really important, so, I need to steal Chrys here for a minute" He gasped out. 

"Charlie, class is in like, a minute" I muttered, raising an eyebrow. 

"But his eyes, I'm telling you, I've figured it out!" Charlie sputtered out, holding a sheet of paper with his chicken scratch handwriting all over it. 

"Leave that poor guy alone. He didn't do anything to you" I demanded, quite fed up with Charlie's antics already. "Go to class, Char" I sighed quietly before walking with Sam to English.  

"Diary of Anne Frank, everyone's heard about it. You're all reading it before the end of the month and writing a report on it" Mrs. Higgins said as she started to plop books in front of everyone. "Write about how she felt, and how she dealt with the situation she was in.-" By that time, I was already zoned out again, like how I was in glassworks. I was trying to think why I might be in danger. 

"Chrystal..." Sam whispered, shaking me. I jumped, shaking my head quickly and facing him. "What?" I asked, furrowing my eyebrows. "The bell just rang" He chuckled, standing up. "Do you always drift off?" He asked curiously as I picked my bag up. 

"No" I muttered, clearing my throat. "Just out of a regular routine, that's all" I smiled weakly. He nodded, muttering a goodbye when we parted ways to go to history, where we also were starting about the holocaust. The bell soon rang for that class to finish, and I stood up quickly, grabbing my bag and walking towards choir. 

"Hello, Miss Kringle" The choir director, Mr. Carden smiled, standing up from behind his desk. He was at least six feet tall. He had pure white hair, and his face was cleanly shaven. 

"Hi" I smiled, nodding as I stood in front of his desk. 

"Here's your music folder" He muttered as he handed me a black one inch binder. I flipped through the music, stopping on a piece that was labeled 'lightweight'. I looked at the lyrics and smiled. Last year, Charlie updated my iPod for me, and one of the songs, I'd never heard before. It was this one. I listened to it every day for hours on end until everyone got sick of it, so I knew it inside out. 

"Know that one?" He chuckled. "There's solo auditions for it today" He smiled like he was hinting on something. I nodded, looking back down at the music. "Yeah, thanks, I'll think about it" I smiled before taking a random seat in the array of empty chairs. More people started showing up, and eventually, the people who played instruments were tuning their instruments. 

"Niall, can you come here please?" Mr. Carden asked, waving him over. I glanced up, watching the grocery bagger, or Niall, now that I know his name, talk to the hippie-like teacher. Right after the bell rang, everyone sat down quietly. "Okay, concerning lightweight auditions, the first one to go will be Ashley" He said as he checked her name off of his clipboard. The guys started the intro. It was kind of a acapella song, but not. It was quite cool, actually. I watched Niall play the drums out of the corner of my eye. He was so focused, and he didn't really care if people were watching him play or not. He looked like he was just there for the music, which was obviously most likely true. The last name on the list was mine, of course. "And last, but certainly not least, Chrystal" He smiled. Everyone stared at me as I walked up to the stool behind the microphone. I swallowed a lump in my throat when the guys 'bum'ed the intro. Here we go...

Hint: This would be the time to listen to the video attatched ;)

A/N: Hola ;) Sorry if this chapter was kind of boring and cliche, especially at the end. It makes sense later in the story, so just hold on! Thank you for reading this far. 

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