Green's Not a Creative Color ~ Chapter 4

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"How'd you meet him?" I winced painfully at my question as the car turned out onto the freeway.

"I've known him for quite some time. We hadn't seen each other in years until our high school reunion a couple years ago. My mom shrugged like it was no big deal. 

"And he's a doctor? All smart and shit? Let me guess, when he proposed, it went something like 'Barbra, you are a flower in my wonderful love garden. But not a blue or red one, because those colors are bad luck. And not green either, because green's not a creative color-" 

"Chrystal Ray Kringle" She interrupted to stop me from going further with my dramatic rambling. "He actually proposed to me at the top of the Space Needle, it was rather romantic" She said matter-of-factly. I gagged, looking out the window. 

"Wow" I chuckled, pausing to think. "Wow..." I said again with much more interest. 

"What? She sighed, glancing over at me. I could tell she was bracing herself for whatever idiotic thing would come out of my mouth next. 

"I just didn't think you were into men anymore" I shrugged as I inspected the bottom of my left converse. Just as I suspected. Dirty. 

"Chrystal Ray!" She shouted again, swerving to get back onto the road after she'd drove a bit out of the margins.

"I meant that with your job and everything, you probably didn't have time to date. And after Rich, I just thought-" 

"Rich is history. Don't ever speak of him" She grumbled angrily. 

"Oh, so does that mean I shouldn't ever speak of Robert, Reggie, Ricky, Randy, Raphael, Raymond, Raj, or Ralph? Becase if that's the case, the last thing I want to mention of them is congratulations making it through the R's." I smiled sarcastically. 

"If you keep that big mouth running any more, you're going to be grounded during your first month of school" She muttered as her grip on the steering wheel became tighter. I shrugged, adjusting my seatbelt so it wasn't digging into my hip. I closed my eyes and hoped for at least an ounce of sleep. 

"Wake up Honeybun, we're here" My mom's annoyingly sweet tone chimed as she shook me lightly. I opened my eyes to complete daylight, and quickly shielded my eyes. "It's a bit sunny today. Quite unusual" She shrugged as she opened the trunk. Clearing my throat, I unbuckled myself and stepped out of the car. The neighborhood was nice, but not too nice. The houses didn't look relatively new, but they didn't look relatively old either. My bags made a thudding noise as my mom dropped them onto the cement driveway, slamming the trunk door. 

"Can you be any more reckless with my things, mom?" I muttered as I picked the red and white monstrosities up, dragging them towards the front door. 

"You'd be surprised" She chuckled, fumbling with her keys as she stepped slowly towards the front door. "George is at work, so you'll see him after five" She muttered, unlocking the door. 

"Wait, George lives here?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. "With us?" 

"Well of course, he bought the house" She laughed, opening the front door and holding it open for me. 

"Right..." I muttered quietly, stepping into the freshly painted house, looking around as I set my bags down. 

"Your room's down the hall that way, on the end" My mom spoke as she pointed down the hall. I nodded slowly before quickly shuffling to my room, struggling with my bags. There was a queen sized mattress on one side of the room that was neatly made with purple and gold sheets and covers. A chest of drawers was near the closet, and a desk was set right next to the chest of drawers. The room wasn't small, which I was thankful for, but it wasn't exactly fit for me. Not yet at least. I hoisted all of my bags onto my bed, unzipping them and starting on the first drawer, placing unmentionables and socks at the top, pajamas in the drawer below, shirts below that, pants below that, and jackets and sweaters below that. Thanks to the distraction of my phone, by the time I was done, it was five o' clock on the dot. The front door opened, and a groggy voice called out. 

"Honeys, I'm home!" Oh god. He already sounded like a serial killer. 

*EDITED ON 7/20/14*

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