You Agreed to Kill Chrystal Kringle ~ Chapter 15

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"He'll kill us all..." Were the first words I heard when I woke up laying on a cold cement floor. I raised an eyebrow, sitting up and blowing stray strands of hair away from my face. 

"Kill us?" I muttered, raising an eyebrow. Tom stood up straight, dropping his arms to the side. The room started to fog up and become extremely cold. 

"Shit" He grumbled, looking around. "Okay, stay away from Niall. He's dangerous-"

"Why does everyone say that? So what if he has powers-" 

"He will kill you" He interrupted, placing his hands on my shoulders to get my attention. "You got me? Don't listen to anything he says" He shouted as the fog started to creep up from the ground. 

"What's happening?" I nearly whimpered as I looked around at the slowly rising fog. 

"Keep your distance" He sighed, and my world went blank again.


"Ow..." I muttered, rubbing my head as I sat up. Am I just prone to falling unconscious today or what?

"Chrystal, thank god you're okay" Niall muttered, sliding to the floor on his knees as he looked me over to make sure I wasn't bruised. "Did he do anything to you?" He asked quickly as he helped me up. My eyes were filled with fear, and I backed away slowly. His expression changed from concern to heartbreak. "Wh-what did he te-tell you?" Niall stuttered like he was beyond scared. I shook my head, hitting the glass behind me. We were in some kind of cathedral. I was too terrified to talk. "Listen, whatever he said, he's lying. Don't trust him." As he whispered, his voice cracked.

"Where are we?" I asked shakily, ignoring him. 

"Ireland. St. Patrick's Cathedral to be exact" He grumbled, chewing on his lip with a spaced out look on his face. 

"And why are we here?" 

"That part, I don't exactly know" He grumbled. There was thumping by the entrance, and we both turned our heads to look at what had fallen. Three things were laying on the ground. I squinted my eyes and stepped forward to look closer. "Holy shit" Niall spit out.

"You guys?" I called out, running towards the three tied up, unconscious bodies on the floor. "What the hell?" I whispered as I untied Charlie first, Wendy second, and Sam last. I didn't know how to wake them up, considering I've never been around once unconscious person, let alone three all at once. 

"Here..." Niall muttered, kneeling down next to me and freezing a little circle on the floor. "Now touch it" He smiled softly, wrapping his cold fingers around my wrist, and making me touch the ice. It melted in seconds. I raised an eyebrow, looking over at him carefully. He nodded, dipping his fingers into the water and splashing each of their faces. I raised an eyebrow, crossing my arms before one of them groaned. 

"C-Chrystal?" Charlie groaned out, trying to prop himself up. My eyes widened, and I let out a sigh of relief. 

"Holy shit, I thought you were dead" I breathed out, wrapping my arms around him. A cold sheet of air slowly creeped up my back, even when Charlie put his hands on my back. 

"What the hell?" Wendy muttered as she propped herself up as well. I stood up, crossing my arms and looking around. 

"Where are we?" Sam murmured, standing up. "Why're we here?" 

"How'd we get here?" Wendy mused, looking around the beautiful building.

"That's kind of what I was thinking" Charlie chuckled as he stood up, looking around. 

"Ireland, St. Patrick's Cathedral" Niall sighed, shaking his head. "The next question, I'm afraid I can't answer" He shrugged. 

"So, you're just going to leave us wondering why we're in a cathedral in the middle of ireland?" Wendy hollered, throwing her hands up in the air. 

"Listen buddy, you better find out why we're here, or I'll-" Charlie threatened before I interrupted. 

"Where's Tom?" I muttered, raising an eyebrow as I turneed my head to look at Niall. "How'd I get out of that room?"

"What room?" Niall asked carefully. 

"It was a cement room, no way to get out of it, how'd I get out, and why is Tom still in there?" I mused as I sat down in one of the long wooden pews. 

"There you all are, right on time" A man smiled from the front of the Cathedral. He had pure blonde hair, just like Niall and Tom. "Thank you for roundin' them all up" he smiled, patting Niall's back. Niall became as stiff as a board, his eyes widening. 

"Okay, who the hell are you?" I asked, obviously tired of all the confusion. The man just smiled and tipped his sunglasses down so he could look at me normally. 

"Frost..." He whipped his glasses off dramatically, smirking at me. "Jack frost" 

"Jesus Christ, Dad" Niall grumbled. 

"What?" I nearly shouted, wide eyed. "You're-" I looked at the man, and back at Niall. "And you're-" My eyes darted back and forth between them for about five seconds before I sputtered something out. "You made him?" I grumbled to Jack. Jack looked like he had to be about thirty, and he was deathly handsome.

"I'm pretty sure" Jack shrugged.  

"Dad, leave." Niall snapped. 

"Oh, son. You agreed to help me, remember?" Jack smirked, laughing as he paced around us. "You agreed to kill Chrystal Kringle. Remember?" 


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