A Normal Day

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*Chapter 1*

"Watch out Yumi! You have already lost forty life points!" Jeremy informed from his position at

the supercomputer. "Same for you Odd. You both still have to get Aelita to the tower twenty

degrees south."

"Yeah, yeah Einstein. I'd like to see you out here," Odd teased, dodging a laser blast.

"Ulrich being devirtualized didn't help the situation. He left us with two Krabs still," Yumi

joked, destroying both Krabs with one throw of her fan.

"Hurry! Three Bloks are coming from the north," Jeremy stated. With that, Odd, Aelita, and

Yumi started towards the activated tower.

"Jeremy, are there any monsters guarding the tower?" Aelita asked. No response. "Jeremy, are

you there?" Aelita again asked. But before Jeremy could respond, two Hornets attacked and

devirtualized Yumi.

"Laser arrow," Odd shouted, sending an arrow into the head of one Hornet. "Hurry princess, we

don't have forever, you know." Aelita entered the tower. Within minutes, the red glow turned to


"Good job guys. Sorry for the down communications. X.A.N.A. hit me with a virus. Return to the

past now," Jeremy smiled.

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