A Love-Driven Sacrifice

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*Chapter 8*

Stepping out of the tower, the remaining three warriors examine the forest sector. No monsters.

No shadow warriors. "The way tower is sixty degrees southwest of your position," Jeremy managed

to get through.

"Okay guys, let's go," Aelita said. The three took off running, keeping an eye out for anything.

"Watch out!" Yumi exclaimed, shoving Ulrich down and jumping on Aelita as two laser arrows

flew overhead. Nearby, a shadow of Odd sat snickering, with the shadow of William standing

beside him. "Run!" The Warriors all took off in a sprint. Nearby, the tower was spotted. A huge,

fallen tree tunnel was the only way to get to it.

"Yumi, you and Aelita take Odd. I got William," Ulrich explained, stopping while Yumi and

Aelita went on ahead. The shadow of William stopped and The shadow of Odd went on. William

and Ulrich began to battle.

"Aelita, get to the tower. Wait for us," Yumi suggested. Aelita ran on ahead. Two laser arrows

flew over Yumi's head and hit Aelita, knocking her unconscious just outside the tower. Yumi ran

inside the tunnel, waiting for Odd to come in. "Hiya!" Yumi yelled, throwing a fan at Odd.

Outside, Ulrich attacked William, but not a single slash could get through. William slashed back

at Ulrich, knocking him to the ground and sending his sabers into a nearby tree. William lifted the

hand with his sword, ready to slash. With the last of his strength, Ulrich rolled to the side just in

time to miss the attack. Ulrich jumped forward and knocked shadow William off the edge into the

digital sea. Ulrich stood up, retrieved his weapons, and made his way to the tunnel.

"Ouch!" Yumi held back. A laser arrow hit her in her right arm. She was tired. She was in deep

pain. With her left arm, she threw her fan at Odd. It missed. Odd jumped on Yumi, pinning her

down with one hand. He pointed the other at Yumi's chest. He seemed to hesitate, like he was

being held back. "You think you have me. Think again." The last fan Yumi threw came back and hit

Odd in the back. Yumi kicked shadow Odd up and he exploded on the ceiling. A fog appeared on

the ceiling. It reached down and grabbed Yumi by the neck,slowl pulling her up. "HELP!"

"Yumi!" Aelita screamed, tears going down her cheek.

"No, I'll save you!" Ulrich yelled, jumping up and cutting the dark arm holding Yumi. He landed

on top of Yumi, where time froze for a second. "Yumi, I've waited too long to say this. I love you."

He reached down and kissed Yumi. Time unfroze. The fog grabbed Ulrich and pulled him in. The

fog disappeared.

"Yumi? Yumi, are you all right?" Aelita asked.

"But he sai-said he loves me," Yumi gasped.

"Yes, and when we complete the mission, you can tell him the same. I need you. We still have

the arctic sector and Sector 5. Please, come." Aelita pleaded. They both entered the tower, revenge

building in Yumi's heart.

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