The Invasion Begins

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*Chapter 3*

"Jeremy, listen to me. My father contacted me. Earth is in grave danger. We need to get to

Lyoko, now!" Aelita hurrily explained.

"Okay, okay. Calm down. Everyone's here. We can head to the factory and check things out."

Jeremy calmly breathed. Everyone walked outside and their hearts dropped. Teachers and

students ran around being chased by Bloks, Hornets, Krabs, and Krankrelots.

"Wha-what's going on? Why are there monsters here, on Earth?" Yumi gasped. Ulrich, William,

and Odd nodded in agreement.

"I told you. We need to get to the factory and stop X.A.N.A. before everything and everyone is

gone." Aelita cried. "Let's take the hidden tunnel in the forest."

Going down the elevator, Aelita explains everything to everyone. "Jeremy, we need to get to

Sector 5 to deactivate the sector and close the portal that allows the monsters to come to Earth."

"Okay, everyone understand?" Jeremy asked. Everyone nodded. "Okay, I'll virtualize you." The

doors shut and the elevator lowered to the next floor. Everyone stepped out. "Transfer Odd.

Transfer Ulrich. Transfer William. Scanner Odd. Scanner Ulrich. Scanner William. Virtualization.

Transfer Yumi. Transfer Aelita. Scanner Yumi. Scanner Aelita. Virtualization. I hope you guys stop

X.A.N.A. Before it's too late."

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