The Warning

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*Chapter 2*

"So Jeremy, why hasn't X.A.N.A. tried anything crazy lately? X.A.N.A. has only activated two

towers in the past three weeks. Suspicious, isn't it?" Ulrich asked. Everyone nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, maybe something's up?" William agreed.

"Nothing's going on. I'll do a tower check to be sure, but maybe X.A.N.A. is giving up," Jeremy

laughed. The bell began to ring.

"LUNCH TIME!" Odd yelled, rushing down the hall. "I'm starving. I haven't eaten since lunch

yesterday because of X.A.N.A. activating a tower." At the lunch table, everyone was chattering.

"So you six, why weren't you here last night? You shouldn't be sneaking around at night. You

could get in big trouble," hissed Sissy.

"We were studying for the upcoming math exam, if you must know," sighed Ulrich. "We

wouldn't want to fail it."

"Oh no!" screamed Sissy, running out of the room to get in some studying.

"Sheesh, will she ever leave you alone, Ulrich?" laughed Yumi, eyeing Ulrich. Blushing, Ulrich


"Not funny. At least I get devirtualized defending Aelita and not a surprise attack." Everyone

burst out laughing at Yumi and Ulrich.

~Aelita POV~

Later that night, I squirmed in bed. "Aelita, Aelita, listen to me. There is a major problem."

"Father, is that you? I can hear you," I said.

"Yes Aelita. Now listen to me. I don't have much time. X.A.N.A. is getting stronger. He hasn't

been attacking because he has a bigger plan. The recent attacks on the towers were diversions.

X.A.N.A. set an attack on the system. X.A.N.A. plans to take over the whole system and to

transport his monsters to the real world. That's why you lost communications with your friend

Jeremy. You must stop him. Go to Sector 5. It is currently like a tower, leaving an open portal to

Earth. Deactivate it and X.A.N.A. will be stopped and the portal closed. Beware, with X.A.N.A.'s

new abilities, X.A.N.A. can gain control of the Lyoko Warriors and use them against you."

"Yes father. But what..." I was cut off.

"Hurry! And if you ever see me on Lyoko, don't trust me. X.A.N.A. has gained control of me."

And all at once, Aelita woke up, covered in sweat.

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