Plans for the Future

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*Chapter 13*

"Ulrich, Do you really feel that way?" Yumi asked.

"Y-yes. I love you!" Ulrich blushes.

"Then let's go out," Yumi suggested.

"Where?" Ulrich asked.

"Not literally to a you want to go out with me?" Yumi asked.

"Oh, uh-yeah-yeah-yes!!! I do!" Ulrich admitted.

"Look at how red is!" Odd and William laughed.

"Jeremy, thanks for everything, Aelita sighed.

"No, thank you. Saving the world on your own is no easy task, you know." Jeremy said.

"A-an-and, uh Aelita. We've been close friends for a while and I thought we cou-could you know,

go out?"

"Why Jeremy, that sounds great! I've always likes you, you know. And my father." Aelita said.

"Uh-really!! Thanks!" Jeremy happily said.

"And you know what Jeremy. He said say I love you to your mom.She's still alive Jeremy. Alive!"

Aelita happily said, looking into the sunset and starry sky.

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