The Last Hope

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*Chapter 12*

~Aelita POV~

I stand as the room stops rotating. I'm going to run and never stop. I have to be weary of the

moving rooms and doorways. This is our last hope. The room stops.

I sprint. I keep an eye out in all directions. No monsters. No shadow warriors. I'm a fourth of the

way there. I'm doing this for Odd. I'm doing this for Ulrich. I'm doing this for Yumi. I'm doing this

for William. I'm doing this for Jeremy. I'm doing this for you, mom and dad. I love you!

There is a walkway. I'm 100 feet away. I stop and lay down. On platforms to the left and right are

monsters. There has to be hundreds of them. Waiting. Watching. Ready to fire at me as I would

run across. What am I going to do? I have to dodge laser fire, hit the button to open the door, and

deactivate Sector 5. I lie there, crying. I came this far and lost everyone. Now I'm giving up? I sigh.

"Wait, that's it!" I whisper.

The monsters sit, prepared to fire. They see me sprint across. They all fire. I dodge. I make it to the

other side. I press the button and the door opens. I step in, only to be shot. I lose my footing and

scream as I fall off the edge into the digital sea.

I peer my head around the corner. The monsters left to get in the portal. I take off running. I had

made a clone of myself and sent her out to open the door. Now X.A.N.A. thinks I'm dead. I almost

make it to the screen. That when they attack. The shadow warriors. They try to stop me. I'm hit

with a lot of attacks.

"Stop you guys. Your hurting me," I yell.

They don't stop. Ulrich pulls out his two sabers and sticks them in my legs. William sticks his

sword in my left arm. Odd shots my back. Yumi tries to pull me into a fog that formed under me.

The pain hurts so much. I can't feel anything. I'm halfway submerged in the darkness. I reach

forward with my right arm to touch the screen. I'm almost there. Almost.

~Sissy POV~

"In the corner, everyone!" I yelled, retreating to the corner where the injured students were.we are

trapped. We use the fire extinguishers to blind the things and hold them back. Our last defense. Or

we're dead.

~Jeremy POV~

"Oh, no! The door is opening. Hurry Aelita. I-I-I love you."

~Aelita POV~

I feel something. I fall into the fog head is all that is out of the fog. The screen lights up.


Code Lyoko

Everything stops on Earth. The lasers stop right before they are about to hit the students and

teachers. The lasers don't hit Jeremy. The warrior release their grip. I am lifted out of the fog and I

stand up by the screen. The warriors grab their heads, like they are mad, and fall off the edge into

the digital sea.

"I did it! I did it!" I yelled.

"Aelita, you did it! I love you! Tell your mother I love her too. Goodbye," I turn to see my father, as

a human, fade away. I cry. I hear:

"Return to the past now."

Everything goes white.

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