TeMmiE fLaKes x Reader ~ Murderer

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You fell into a hole and woke up on a patch of flowers. Your body hurt all over but you managed to get up with your DETEMMIENATION.

After you got up, you magically teleported to some sort of village. It was really noisy. You heard a lot of ''HOi!'' noises from the weird cat dogs that were roaming around.

'Cute', you thought.

While looking around, a cave with a sign called, ''Tem Shop'' caught your eyes. You were drawn to it, so you walked inside.

You were greeted by a cat-like monster whose name is ''Temmie''. Who offered you to buy its Tem flakes. Your stomach suddenly grumbled. Oh dear! You were hungry for food! Temmie heard your stomach's whinings. Despite the fact she needes money to go to cooleg, she decides to be charitable and gave you a Tem Flake for FREE.


You quickly took the Tem flake and got out of that cave. You didn't interact with anyone else after that so you were just with your Tem flake.

You stared at your Tem flake for 101028736473929191828291 minutes and for some reason you felt like you've known this Tem Flake for years. You burst into tears. You blushed at the Tem flake and decided to marry it.

The wedding was in the Tem shop. Temmie was saying things. And when it was time to announce tha kisss, you ate your lover. The Tem flake screamed and cried silently as you ate it bite by bite.

Temmie stared at you, clearly in shock.

''Murderer..'' Temmie's face contorted into mortified fear as she silently, but raspily, whispered it. You pokerfaced and went out of the shop.

Suddenly, you saw a ghost-like creature that looked like the Tem flake you ate. ''I thought you loved me..'' It said with an agonized tone. ''Imma haunt ya furever.. :) '' It said as an evil terrifying face appeared on it.

You silently screamed in your mind.

The end

Author's note - I was bored and hungry... XD

Edited on 5 Oct, 2023

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