🍪Cookies x Reader🍪 ~ Could've just asked

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This was requested by LilCookiE_UwU
I hope you like it!

[2nd Person P.O.V]
You slammed the door to your room shut, making sure to lock it before making your way, a snack in hand, to sit in the floor of your room, with your back facing the bedroom door.

"COOKIES" you suddenly yelled, in a cookie monster kind of voice.

After you said that, you held a bag of cookies close to your mouth and tilted it upwards so you could "'drink"' the cookies, but before any of them could fall into your mouth....

Suddenly, your bedroom door slammed open.

"Y/N" a voice said. It sounded angry, low and with a venomous aura.

Oh crud. I forgot they had the key to my room.

You slowly lowered the cookie bag and turned around, sweating and nervous with your fast beating heart, to look at the person who just barged into your room. The person standing there with hunched shoulders, out of breath and looking like a very scary demon was none other than your older sibling(if you don't have, just pretend XD).

You see, you stole the cookies from them. Your older sibling had previously been watching their favourite childish cartoon show in their bedroom and they had been eating the cookies that you stole. While they weren't looking, you snuck into their living space, snatched the cookie bag, and ran in the speed of sou- no Sonic.

Anyway, now, your older sibling was right in front of you. With a really pissed off expression. You can practically see steam rising above their head. You waited until they successfully caught their breath.

With a nervous smile and racing heart, you opened your mouth to speak.
"Uhm.. I can expl-"

But before you could finish your sentence, your sibling cut you off.

"You could've asked, stupid!" They yelled.

After he said, you had a blank expression, all the trace of nervousness and fear disappeared.


"Okay seriously. I'm your older sibling so of course I'd know you love cookies, like I do. That bag you have in hand is mine. I actually bought a bag just for you, but since you did what you did... Well..... Should I even give it to you anymore?" Your elder sibling sighed amd looked at you with a smiling, but exasperated expression.

You shook your head and snapped out of your shock. "Nooooooo!!! I want it!! Pleaaaase? I'm sorry for stealing your cookies!! Yeah, you're right!! I should've... I should've asked..." You wailed, then you lowered your head in shame, feeling shameful of yourself and your immaturity. You pursed your lips.

Nonetheless, your sibling sighed in defeat. "Hahhh... Fine.... I guess it can't be helped. I'm not the type to share, but I'm in a pretty good mood today, so I'll let it slide. How about this, if you beg a little more, I'll give it to ya." Your sibling smirked.

You quickly raises your head up and looked at them with annoyance. You sneered. Despite that, cookies are more important. With eyebrows furrowed and an angry smile, then you spoke with your teeth clenched.

"Sorry. Give me the cookies. Hm?" You reached out your hand to them as they looked down at you.

"I said beg didn't I?" They responded with a mocking smile.

"Aaaah...! Whatever! Just give them to me!" You yelled. You shot up from the ground, walked up to them and grabbed them by the collar.

Your sibling laughed heartily. You gave them an annoyed toothy smile, clenching your teeth.

Your sibling caught their breath and you let go of their collar. "Hah.. haha.. Well then, Since you apologised SO nicely, I'll give you the cookies I bought you, yeah?" Your sibling said. You nodded your head, looking at them straight in the eyes with an eager look. "Alright, but first... Give me back MY cookies, will ya?" Your sibling then said.

"Oh. Right. Tsk", you looked away and tsked. You could've had both cookie bags. With a grimaced expression, you unwillingly gave your sibling the bag of cookies you were going to eat minutes before, while clenching your heart in imaginary pain.

"Thanks, now here's your share", your sibling said. They took out their hidden hand, which you didn't notice was hidden, that was holding the bag of cookies and handed them over to you.

Once the cookie bag was in the palm of your hand, you quickly opened the bag in excitement. When the sweet smell of cookies made their way up to your nose, you smiled joyfully and let out a satisfying hum.

"Alright, I'll get out of your space. Bye" Your sibling informed you. You turned your cheerful face towards them and bid them goodbye. They walked back to their room chuckling under their breath. None the wiser, you close the door and sighed in relief that he was gone.

It's time....

"COOKIES! NOM NOM NOM!"You excitedly said.

You devour the cookies and made a mess in your room and you kept saying "nom" everytime you chewed.

The cookies were so delicious, what your sibling had bought was the most delicious cookies you had ever tasted, the choco chips had a rich chocolatey flavour. They melted in your mouth perfectly along with the crunch of the delicious cookie.

Overall, it was a really sweet time. You took note to ask your sibling where they bought these mouthwatering cookies.

Time passed and before you knew it, you were on your last cookie.

You grabbed that last cookie and sniffed that delicious cookies smell and sighed in content, but knowing this was your last cookie, you felt a bit disappointed. You're definitely going to savour the last few bites of this cookie. You closed your eyes and nibbled at the cookie, and it tasted.... So goooooooooooood~.

And again, before you knew it, you finished your last cookie. When the realization hit you, you were on the verge if tears.

"N-no.... My... My delicious... Cookies... Uuuu... They're gone...!" you dramatically complained. Your expression was so filled with grief that someone who saw it would think a real tragedy struck you.

Suddenly, your older sibling opened your bedroom door, knowing full well that your cookies were finished and that you were going to start complaining. Since your sibling was in a good mood, they decided to do something for you, but when they opened the door..

"What the? Your room's a mess!" They cried out.

By the time they entered and open the door, you were lying on the floor in a very dramatic faint position and there were crumbs of cookies all over you and all around you. Your sibling looked at you in disbelief.

"I feel like I'm looking at a murder scene." They sighed and brought their palm to their forehead.

"Ahh, whatever.. Since I'm feeling generous today, wanna watch a movie in the living room while eating MY cookies??" Your sibling asked.

You immediately lit up, sat up straight with a determined, but disbelief expression. "Seriously? Then, as long as its [Favourite Movie Name], then yes." you quickly replied. "That again?Alright, as you wish. " Your sibling replied. Smiling in defeat while nodding their head, they went ahead and marched to the living room to get things ready.

You smiled and chuckled at the sight, oh how you love your older sibling. 'But sometimes, they can be annoying' you thought. You shrugged it off and yelled "Coming!". You ran to the living room. You were so excited that you tripped face first.

Your sibling laughed really hard at you.

You lifted your face and upper body with your elbows, then you looked up at him with an annoyed but smiling expression.

'Hah. Feel free to laugh all you want. All of your cookies are mine'.

Your face contorted to an evil smile as your sibling was rolling on the floor.

[Oneshot End]

Aww isn't that nice? Sweet sibling moment huh? XD
Thanks for reading!

Edited on 5 Oct, 2023

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