Ice cream x Reader ~ U hot, so I melt

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This is for you. AAcake. Even if you didn't request, I know how much you LOVE ice cream.

××2nd person p.o.v××

You arrive at the park, feeling like getting out of your home. It was pretty cooped up in there and there wasn't anything you could do, so you decided that you should do something for once.

It may be summer holiday and you have finished your homework and you feel lazy, but that doesnt mean you can't go out and enjoy nature, right? Right.

Anyways, where were you. Ah that's right, you arrived at the park. The park wasn't too far from your house.  It's just a good 20 minute walk away.

Yay. Excercising.

And by the time you reached the park, you were sweating and the sun was high in the sky.

You sat at the nearest bench and rested there for a few minutes. You were still exhausted and hot though.  The sun was bright and hot.

You were about to get up and walk to the nearest store to buy some ice cream, but you hear the music of an ice cream truck.

You hear children running to the truck. They make noise of excitement.  You were excited, but you didn't show it. After all, ice cream is yoir favourite. You walked towards the ice cream truck.

By the time you got there, the kids were already rushing back to the playground in the park, you sighed in relief of not having to wait in a line.

You talk to the ice cream truck person. You ask how much it would be for your favourite flavoured ice cream. The ice cream truck person told you the amount.

You asked if you can get two scoops of your favourite ice cream flavour. They said yes, and all you had to do is to add 2 extra dollars( A/n - I dunno how that works. So just roll with it. ). You paid for your ice cream and thanked the person. They smile and drove off to another area to sell more ice cream.

You walked back to the bench you were sitting on, surprised no one sat there yet. You didn't really care though. All you cared about was your beautiful and legendary ice cream.

You stare at yoir senpai with loving eyes. You drool a little. Deciding it was time...

TO MAKE OUT WITH YOUR ICE CREAM A.k.a lick it, but more.... intense and heated.

You make out with your senpai, earning weird looks from other people. But you didn't care at all, not one bit.

It was a beautiful sight. Well, to you at least.

Once you realise your ice cream was finished except for the cone.

iCE CREAM, MY LOVE! COME BACK TO ME. NOOOoo, you yell while eating the cone. You gross sobbed.

People start to whisper that this person was crazy, the person is referring to you of course.

From a distance in another part of the park. Someone you know hears your cries. That someone sighed and ran to where you were.

It turns out that it was one of your best friends. They pat your head and told you they will buy you lots of ice cream if they stopped embarrasing yourself.

You immediately lightened up and said let's go then. You skipped to the nearest store that held your favourite flavoured ice cream.

Your best friend sighed in relief. They tell the people in the park that this was normal. Some people chuckled, some people didn't respond. Your best friend then says goodbye to them and ran after you.

Yep. XD I decided that I will not discontinue it.

You guys can request, but If I don't reply at all, then that means I don't wanna do that. Kay? Kay. Cya!

Don't forget to check out my other books!

Food And You ~✧~ Food x Reader [Oneshots]!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora