Brownies x Reader ~ To steal or not to steal

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Requested by polaroidpandas
Hope you enjoy!!

As a teen(if you're not then... Just go with it XD), you are waaay more mature than your younger self. Obviously. I mean, everyone, well almost, are waaay more mature than their younger self. As a teen.

Yeah you were toootaally mature. You were sooo mature that you would never even consider to steal some delicious brownies that were freshly baked and taken out the oven and left out on the kitchen counter to cool.


You were also toootaally not immaturely going to act like a ninja to make sure your mom wouldn't see you stealing the brownies while she was using her phone to wait for the brownies to cool.

Oh wait..

But You WERE plotting to steal the brownies and you WERE ALSO going to act like a ninja to make sure your mom doesn't notice you steal the brownies.

Well.. Not ALL teens are THAT mature. Y'know? And you were no exception.

You found out that your mom was baking brownies when you smelled that delicious brownie smell from your room while you were doing your booooring homework.

You silently tiptoed to the kitchen and peeked behind from a wall. You sniffed the air and smiled at that delicious smell. Imagining the taste of those brownies in your mouth. Your tumtums suddenly grumbled. "It's okay my dear stomach, you'll get what you want" you whispered to your stomach, smiling.

You then observed your mom and her movements. Your mom wasn't facing the brownies at all. In fact, she was leaning on the counter while using her phone with  a dozen brownies in a tray just right behind her.

"I could use this to my advantage." You thought

You casually but quietly walked into the kitchen without making any sound. As expected, your mom was too distracted to notice. She was just too busy using Facebook.

"That's so old now" you thought, then you mentally chuckled.

You then quietly walked around to the back of the kitchen counter and ducked down. You stayed down for a while and peeked out of the side of the counter. Your mom was chuckling at whatever she was looking at in Facebook, you assumed.

When you decided it was safe. You peeked out of your hiding place and reached out to the plate of brownies which were quite far away from you since it was directly behind your mom, but you peeked a little more  and your arm was long enough to reach the tray of brownies.

You suddenly hesitated. Your heart was racing and you started to breath at a fast rate. You suddenly remembered the past times you've tried to steal brownies as a kid. You remembered being scolded and grounded for half a day.

You silently hoped that THAT wouldn't happen. Besides, you were a TEEN now!

A very immature teen though.

Moving on, the brownies we're so close to you. The smell was so overwhelming and good that you just couldn't help but drool a little.

You thought about it more but then immediately decided.


You jumped out of your hiding spot, took the whole plate of brownies and ran back to your room like your life depended on it.

Once you reached your room, you locked the door and with your back facing the door, you slid down to a position that you were sitting on the floor.

You placed down the tray of brownies in front of you and waited for a bit, trying to catch your breath. You mother was surprising not coming after you after the stunt you pulled. You wondered why but decided to ignore it. Right then and there, the delicious plate of brownies we're right in front of you and that was all that mattered.

You positioned yourself to a cross-legged sitting position and took the tray to set it down on your legs.

The aroma of freshly baked brownies, ahhh, were you in heaven?


No. You weren't. But you sure felt like you were.

Ok enough with the day dreams, you then decided to start eating. You picked up one of the brownies with your hand and stared at it, while also inhaling the sweet smell it produced. It was still warm in between your fingers and you couldn't wait to eat it all.

You then took the first bite and the flavours immediately exploded in your mouth. It was so... DELICIOUS. So delicious you couldn't describe how DELICIOUS it was. One thing's for sure though, it was reeaaaallly really really REALLY really...


And before you knew it, you gobbled up all the dozen brownies as if you hadn't eaten in a hundred years. Oh but don't worry, since you were a MATURE and RESPONSIBLE teen, you didn't make a mess in your room.

You suddenly felt the door being pushed open behind you and were SHOOKETH.

Your mom was really intimidating and strict and you'd didn't know what would happen. You immediately crawled away from the door, pushing the tray along as well and turned around to face a very intimidating mother who looked like she wanted to...


Wait what?

Your mother smiled at you and chuckled. You were REALLY confused. Wasn't she going to punish you for taking the brownies.

"You know, those brownies were actually for you.. Since you have been stressed by your studies, I decided that I should be a good mother and made these brownies for you. I hope you like them, were they delicious?"

You just stared at your mom, you were wide-eyed with a slightly opened mouth. You snapped out of your surprise and started to tear up a little. You then smiled at your mother, stood up and hugged her.

"Thank you, mom... I appreciate it. I love you so much!"

[Oneshot End]


You let go of your mom and sighed contently. But not only that, that sigh was also in relief.

"Oh thank gosh, I thought you were going to kill me! Haha!" You said then you laughed.

Your mom also started to laugh with you, while holding a knife behind her back.

The bonus is a joke, k? The bonus is just a joke XD XD

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