a letter to myself

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Everyone in their lifetime should write at least one letter to themselves.

So, here is to the first letter. (And I challenge the rest of you reading this to do the same)

So, here are some things that I want you to remember.

Do you see that picture in the media at the very top? Yeah, listen to that.

Seriously, maybe it will make you stop worrying so much about stuff you don't need to worry about. (Like the time you worried more about your friend's hamster with diabetes than your homework.)

Oh, and how about you stop dating, because you're really bad at it. Also, you're probably only like 13 or 14 so, how about you go and worry about how many unicorn stickers you have left instead of how many guys want to date you, okay?

Also, you know that friend? The one you met in the beginning of 7th grade who turned out to like you?

Yeah, if your still going through that, stop. It's not worth it. (Again, look at the top picture)

Seriously though, you can't give all your thoughts to someone who probably can't even give you one, okay? 바보.

Also, give yourself some more credit, do you know how many stupid and ignorant people you have to deal with? Not all people are like that though, so don't worry.

Also, yes, it is normal for your tummy to poke out the slightest bit, stop worrying.

And stop thinking that you should shave your legs, they get itchy when they start to grow back.

Also, just do what you want to do! You want to play guitar right? Yeah, your good so far, but I know you, you will get to a point where you'll stop because you 'aren't good enough'. If you ever think that about yourself then get to the point where you ARE good enough.

Also, you know that 'friend' that puts you down all the time and makes you feel horrible, but then calls you a friend? Yeah, ditch them. They're not worth your valuable time.

Also, keep writing. You love it, I know you do, so stop procrastinating and get to it!

What else is there, oh! I know. I want you to know that you'll probably always like Dean a little more than Sam, so stop trying to change that.

Oh, and one last thing, don't try and change your feelings, they're there and they won't go away, just deal with it.


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