a letter

18 2 6

I'm actually too mad to think about a name for this person.

A stupid code name so that they don't know who they are, but then they read this and find out.

He already knows I'm sure.

Well, if you for sure know who you are here is somethings I wanna tell you:


Stop making me feel this way!

I got over emotional, whatever!

I honestly don't care because you can't give me a straight forward answer.

All it is, is just "I don't knows" and "its up to you".

Why is it up to me?  I losing my actual mind.

Look, I like you a lot, and maybe your just an idiot for not seeing that, but this guy is gonna ask me out and you can't give me a straight forward answer about us.

We are in 7th grade! This can't be that hard!

But you can't even text me an "Are you okay?".

I sobbed in front of you. No text.

I miss Two days of school. No text.



I'm upset, I'm frustrated, I feel like this whole thing is just fatuous.

But the worst part is that if I tell you all of this all you'll say is, "okay." And I'll be gone and out of you life faster than Bob bryar getting kicked out of my chemical romance!

And after that I'll feel so useless and like knowing and talking to you was a waste of my time.

I'll feel horrible.

But if I don't let you go this will keep going on. The same routine.

And one day... I'll snap.

So just, give me an answer or something, okay?

It's makes this a lot easier.

rant, memories, and thank you's.Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu