Chapter One: Patrol

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As Batman stood on the head of the gargoyle, he looked out into the streets of Gotham. "It seems quite tonight. But something doesn't seem right. Nothing has been happening much the past few nights." he thought, watching the civilians walk beneath him.

"Maybe I should turn in." he said, grabbing his grapnel gun from his utility belt, and aiming it at a building in the distance. As he prepared to fire it, an extremely bright light lit up beside him. He looked over and seen it. The Bat signal. "I guess my work's never done." he said, aiming the gun towards the light, and firing it at a building.

As the gun pulled him towards the latched building, Batman looked down at his city, taking a brief moment to admire the atmosphere. "Gotham is finally where it should be. It's safe, busy and kids are all around." he thought, reaching and climbing on top of the building.

As he began to walk forward down the rooftop, he noticed a shadow out of the corner of his eye. He quickly glanced towards it, as if he was on edge, expecting an attack of sorts. When he looked however, nothing was there.

"Relax. Get to Gordon and see what he wants." he said, looking forward and making a fully on dash for the edge. Once his foot touched the ledge of the building, Batman propelled himself off the side, diving straight down.

he grew nearer and nearer to the ground, when he extended his arms, spreading his cape, and gliding back upwards. He swerved around buildings and soon landed on a building, parallel to the GCPD.

Batman prepared his grapnel gun again, when he hesitated. "Where is everyone?" he thought, putting his grapnel away and taking out his binoculars. He crouched down on the roof and held the binoculars to his face.

He looked around the roof top of the GCPD and tried to see if anyone was there. "No guards. No snipers. No Jim." he said, standing up and putting the binoculars away. "I don't like this." he said, pulling out his grapnel gun once more.

As he aimed it towards a metal beam above the GCPD, a red dot caught his attention. When he looked down, he seen a red dot hovering over the bat on his chest. Without any hesitation, Batman barrel rolled over to the side, throwing two batarangs in front of him. 

The first was shot down almost instantly, but the second one made it a bit further. As it progressed further, Batman looked to see where the shooter might be. Before he could pin point the location of the shooter however,  the second batarang was shot down.

Batman summersaulted behind a generator, hiding any visible point from exposure. "Alfred." he said, placing his index and middle finger on his ear, activating his coms. "Yes mater Bruce?" Alfred responded in his usual and monotone voice.

"There's a sniper on top of the GCPD but I can't expose myself enough to pin point the position. I need you to take the video feed from the remote control batarang and isolate the location." Batman replied, taking out the remote control batarang, and programing a video feed to take place.

"At once Master Bruce." Alfred said, sitting in front of the bat computer, pulling up the feed. "Ready at this end sir." he said. Batman wound his hand back and threw the batarang as far as he possibly could. Once done, he held up his left gauntlet, projecting a keyboard of sorts, while typing with his other hand.

"The feed should be coming through shortly." he said, continuing to type in commands; controlling the flying batarang. "I see it master Bruce." Alfred responded, monitoring the camera feed.

As Batman input the controls, the batarang was shot down, making the hologram from his gauntlet fade away as well. "Master Bruce, I've lost visual." Alfred said, scrambling to retrieve all of the footage he could. "I'm sending the footage I have managed to gather to you now sir." Alfred said, inputting the coding to send the video to Bruce.

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