Chapter Three: Help

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After Bruce had gone speeding out of the cave, he headed directly to Elliot Memorial Hospital, where he hoped he would find Gordon.

"Master Bruce please. Return home." Alfred pleaded, only to be shot down by him. "I can't waste time on this Alfred. Someone hacked into the Bat Computer and I have a feeling that same person had a role in making that bomb. This can't be ignored." Batman said, turning the corner sharply and speeding off.

"I'm not saying to ignore it. But you need rest." Alfred said, desperatly trying to convince Bruce to return home.

"I'm not resting until Floyd is behind bars, along with whoever is doing this." he said, slowly growing closer to the hospital as he zipped through the streets.

Alfred sighed when he heard Damian cry for him upstairs. He knew that letting Bruce go ultimatly meant he had one, but leaving Damian alone after the events of that night seemed illogical.

Alfred let Bruce go and he rushed neck upstairs. When he arrived he noticed a young girl with baby blue eyes, orange hair, dressed in an all back leather out fit at the entrance.

"Barbra?" Alfred said, wondering why she was there. "No time to talk Al. Bruce said something big is going on.  Show me what he needs me to do and fill me in." she said, walking to the clock in the living room.

Damian and Alfred followed quickly as they tried to explain. "Well Ms.Gordon. There was an attack on the GCPD tonight." Alfred said, stopping Barbra in her tracks.

"Is my father okay?" she asked, momentarily paralyzed as she waited for an answer. "Damian walked up beside her and stood there. "We are fairly certain the he was the only survivor. And if not, then he was the only one not brutally harmed." he replied, walking to the clock and opening it.

Barbra snapped out of her daze and began to follow Damian. "I have to see my father." she said, beginning to walk down the enormous flight of stairs.

Alfred followed directly behind her. "You can call him once we get down but we need you to focus on the matter at hand here." he said, trying to give her some kind of relaxed feeling.

"Lets get this done then." she said, walking further down the stairs and towards the Bat computer.

She grabbed the chair, sliding it back to the front of the screen. She sat down and pulled up all of the minimized files.

"Why have all of Floyd Lawton's files been pulled up? Is he responsible for the attack?" she asked, beginning to cycle through them.

"Father faced off against him. Suffered some serious injuries. But the weirdest part was the bomb planted on the roof. It was to complex for father to defuse. And it doesn't fit close to any of Lawton's files." Damian responded, walking further into the Bat Cave. 

"So that's what he needed me for?" Barbra asked, stopping her research into the already pulled up files. 

"No Ms.Gordon. Actually we received a message from an unknown user. It was of Master Bruce's x-ray results. But they sent them before the scanner had even finished it process." he said, looking at Damian walk further. 

"So you need me to figure out who sent this?" she asked, pulling up the two files, comparing them to each other. Alfred nodded, but began to walk towards Damian, wondering what he was doing. 

"Alright Al. You go check on him and I'll get started on tracing the sender." she said quietly, cracking her fingers and starting to search. 

"Master Damian, what are you doing?" Alfred asking, resting his hands on the young child's shoulders. "He took off again. He's seriously injured and he just up and leaves." Damian said, shrugging his shoulder to knock Alfred's hand off.

"Master Damian, where are you going?" Alfred asked, starting to follow behind him. He ignored the questioning words and walked over to a display case, punching in a code and watching the case door open. 

"Sir, where are you going?" Alfred asked, trying to stop Damian from grabbing his uniform from within the case.

Damian changed into his uniform and vaulted over Alfred, completely avoiding him. "He's so stupid. He's going to get himself killed." Damian said, walking over to Barbra while securing his utility belt. 

"Barbra. Finish this damn trace. When I get back I expect results." he said, grabbing the mask off the table beside Barbra. "What did you just say to me?" she asked, pushing the chair out and and standing up. 

"Get it done." he said, walking to the flooring where the Batmobile stayed, inputting a combo on a touch pad. When he finished the input, the floor opened up, exposing and raising a motorcycle. 

Before it fully became exposed, a batarang came flying in, crashing into the touch pad. Damian turned around in a quick panic, wondering what had just happened. "Don't you dare talk to me like that." Barbra said, standing there clenching her fist. 

Damian looked at her then at the touch pad, removing the batarang and holding it tight. "You think this will stop me?" he asked, throwing the batarang back at Barbra. What Damian expected her to do was to move out of the way and let it fly into the chair, but instead she caught it. 

She lifted up her two index fingers and caught it right in front of her face. "I'll help but only because Bruce needs me too. And as for you. I don't take orders from little boys." she said, putting the weapon away and turning her back to him. 

"I am not a little boy, Oracle." Damian said, letting off a small smirk. Barbra stopped in her steps and looked back slightly with much annoyance in her voice. "You know very well not to call me that." she said, clenching her fists and breathing heavily. 

"What's the matter Oracle? Don't like the name?" Damian asked, pressing the touch pad and fully raising the bike as he originally planned to do. 

Barbra turned around and looked at Damian. "You little twerp. I will end you!" she yelled, preparing to charge towards Damian when Alfred intervened. "Barbra please. Bruce needs you." he whispered in her ear. 

Her fist slowly returned to normal and she looked down to the ground. "Alright then Oracle. Lets see how smart you really are." Damian said, putting on his mask and getting on the bike. He started up the engine and prepared to leave.   

Barbra walked over to her bag and reached inside. She pulled out a small gun and waited for Damian to take off. As soon as the first wheel turned, Barbra turned around and ran towards Damian. She soon made it to the origin of the bike and aimed the gun at Damian. 

She let off a quick shot and tagged the back end of the bike. "Ms.Gordon? What did you just do?" Alfred asked, watching her walk back to the chair and sitting down. "I tagged the bike. Once i get a lead I'll let Bruce know. I'll also be letting him know his son is out there too." she said, laying back and cracking her fingers once again. 

"Alright Al. Lets get to work." she said beginning to type ridiculously quick, starting the trace on the sender. 

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