Chapter Five: A Matter of Family

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Alfred quickly tried contacting Bruce back, but his attempts proved unsuccessful. "This is not good." he said, contacting Barbara instantly.

"Ms.Gordon? Your return along with Master Damian is extremely important and must happen now." he said, trying to sort through everything on the screen in front of him.

"Damian and I were just finishing up here. Why? What's going on?" she asked, leaving an abandoned building with Damian.

"It's Master Bruce. Something's happened to him. He requested both of you come back now." he said. Barbara spent no time in hesitating and jumped on the bike with Damian sitting behind her. "On our way Al." she said, speeding down the street.

When Barbara and Damian returned, Alfred had just finished talking to someone. "Who's he talking to?" Barbara thought, walking towards Alfred with Damian walking behind him. "What's going on here?" she asked, standing there with her arms crossed.

"I've managed to reduce the explosive residue to a main compound but haven't been able to trace it. I have found Nothing on Mr. Lawton and his tie to the attack and Master Bruce is in the dark." he said, standing there worried.

"What do you mean Al?" Barbara said, looking at him with much confusion. "Master Bruce sent me files. After he sent them his coms were shut off. I haven't been able to contact him since." he said, looking at the computer.

"Alfred.... What were those files?" she asked, slowly walking forward to the computer as well. Alfred pulled them all up and looked down at Barbara. "These files contain al of the secrets this family holds." he said, looking back at the young Damian.

"Alfred..." she said, starting to tremble a bit. "Yes. Even those secrets. Someone knows who all of you are, and everything about you." he said, looking down.

"What are we going to do?" Barbara asked, trying to maintain a level head. "Everyone is on their way. Master Grayson, Master Todd and Master Drake." he said, stopping Barbara from turning around.

"Do not tell master Damian about any of this." he said, letting go of Barbara's shoulder.

"I'm going to visit my dad. After that I'm going on patrol." she said, slightly hinting to Alfred that she was going to try and find clues to where Bruce could be, if not find him.

Alfred said nothing and began to walk up the stairs, to the main hall. Before Barbara left, she walked up to the young Damian and kneeled down, placing her hand on his shoulder. 

"Look Damian. Things are happening that aren't normal. Because of this, everyone is coming down. Tim, Dick and Jason. They're going to need to stay here for a bit, so try not to be to hard on them." she said, winking at the young man and messing up his hair.

Damian accepted this fact watching Barbara leave behind him. "Where's father?" he asked, standing there, waiting for an answer. Barbara stood still and tried to think of an excuse, but instead, covered up the truth cleverly.

"Who ever knows where your father is?" she said, getting on the bike and taking off out of the cave. She sped down the streets, soon arriving to Elliot Memorial. She hid the bike in an alley, covering it in tarp and changing into her normal clothing.

She rushed up to her fathers room, running in with great stress. "Dad!" She exclaimed, running up to him and hugging him.

Gordon let out a painful noise, notifying his daughter that he was still in pain. "Sorry dad. I'm just glad you're okay." she said, sitting in the chair beside him.

"It t-takes more then a lousy... old bomb to take down this dad." he said, barely looking at his daughter but letting of the biggest smile. "Look dad. I would really like to stay but I have really important work I need to do first." she said looking back at her father.

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