Chapter Eleven: Titan Sized Help

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Tim and Selina soon made their way to the front of Wayne Manner and found themselves in what remained of the cave.

Tim helped Selina to a medical table and laid her down on it. "Rest here. I'm going to try and gather some things to help with the pain. Help with everything actually." he said, wondering off to try and gather some supplies.

A few moments later, Tim returned with only a few bottles and a towel. Selina looked over and scuffed when Tim approached her.

"Billionaire's home and that's all you can find?" she said, starting cough rapidly. As Selina coughed, she rolled off the table and hit the ground.

Tim threw everything that was in his hands on to a nearby table and leaped towards the ground.

"Are you okay?" he asked, trying to help Selina up. "Get your hands off of me." she said, pushing his hands away and trying to help herself up.

"Selina. You took a nasty hit." Tim said, standing up himself. "I've been hit harder. Tall,brooding and handsome can tell you all about that." she said, using the table to support herself.

"Bruce does what he has too. You know that Selina." Tim said, watching her struggle to move.

"These symptoms you're showing don't seem of the normal variety when it comes to these particular injuries. I think you might have suffered some internal damaging." Tim said, grabbing some of the few supplies he gathered.

"I'm not going to suffer any internal issues, am I?" Selina asked with hesitation.

"Unless you're one in a million, I don't think so. You haven't shown any symptoms of it." Tim replied, handing Selina a bottle of pills.

"What are these?" she asked with a sarcastic tone in her voice. "They are experimental pills Bruce has been working on. Just take on." he said, watching her open the bottle.

"What are these supposed to do?" she said, putting one in her mouth then putting the bottle down.  

Tim walked up a near by stair case to another level of the cave, replying to Selina as he did so. "It's suppose to accelerate the function of mitosis in your body. It will repair any damaged tissue you may have received quickly and with more efficiency."

Selina looked up at him and watched Tim walk to a series of glass display cabinets. "What are you doing?" she said, already beginning to sound better.

"I need a different uniform. This has received to much damage." Tim said, pushing onto the glass barrier and watching it open.

"Find anything cute?" Selina asked with a hint of laughter in hr voice. She stood there, watching Tim stare at what was in front of him.

He took a step into the cabinet and disappeared from Selina's field of sight. She stood there for a few minutes in complete silence, wondering where Tim had gone too.

"Tim!?" Selina exclaimed, stretching her body as if nothing had touched her for days. She backed up and pounced onto the railing and then onto the upper level.

"Those pills really did work." she said, walking towards the display cabinets where she last saw Tim.

She continued walking when she seen Tim start to walk out from the cabinet he walked into. He stood tall and strong, and looked at Selina. "You dress up nice kid." she said, scanning the new change in clothes.

His uniform was a solid shade of black with the inner section being of a crimson red. His belt was a solid gold that circled his waist, along with gold pouches on the side of his legs. He also wielded a shiny bird-like emblem that covered his entire chest. His mask remained the same but his gauntlets ended at his elbows; black with a gold trim on the bottom. His cape was long with pointed edges on the bottom; just like his once great mentor. It flowed down his back, the outer side being a pure black while the inside remained a pure gold.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2017 ⏰

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