The Haunted House - The Dominator

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(Set in normal world, from The Dominator - )

Fayanna awoke to the sound of her door opening. She sleepily looked towards the door of her room as her little sister, Chasity, walked in.

"I'm sorry, Fay... Did I wake you up?" the four year old asked innocently.

"Oh no, don't worry about it Chas," Fayanna said, rubbing her eyes while simultaneously throwing the covers off herself.

"Okay..." Chasity said, looking a little guilty.

"Ready to have some fun today?" Fayanna asked. Chasity's expression instantly turned, nodding her head 'yes' in excitement.

Today, the two girls were going to the local Halloween festival. They both loved fall and Halloween, so this was a long awaited day for them.

Fayanna sprung up from her bed and jumped towards her closet, already knowing what she was going to wear. She grabbed a bright orange long-sleeve shirt along with a pair of black-and-white striped leggings. She quickly changed out of her sleepwear and into her self-decided attire. After changing, she looked at herself in the large mirror placed directly next to her closet. She noticed how nicely it snugged her body, priding herself on her outfit choice.

Fayanna excitedly looked at her little sister, "Ready to go?" she said, a smile reminiscent to Chasity's on her.

Chasity nodded, reaching her hand out for Fayanna. Fayanna grabbed her wallet off her desk, put it in her pocket, and grabbed Chasity's hand.

The two enthusiastically ran out the door, making their way to the festival.


Chasity's eyes lit up, staring at the vast amounts of lights flickering and blinking from the numerous booths.

"It's all so pretty!" she exclaimed from atop Fayanna's shoulders.

Fayanna mentally agreed with her, but she found her main enjoyment in the other decorations at the festival. She adored the sight of the ghosts hanging from the top of booths and the artistic jack-o-lanterns on the countertops.

The two girls spent countless hours at the festival. Playing the themed carnival games, winning small yet valuable prizes that Chasity loved, taking in the view from the peak of the ferris wheel, and riding the horses on the carousel.

The two girls giggled as they got off the carousel, obviously enjoying themselves.

"Oh! Fay! Fay! Fay!" Chasity mimicked, pointing at something while jumping excitedly.

Fayanna turned her attention to the direction Chasity pointed. There where Chasity was pointing stood a black and orange building with a large sign that read 'Haunted House' in a distorted font.

"A haunted house?" Fayanna questioned, "Are you sure you want to go? It might be a little too scary for you..."

Chasity nodded her head, "Can we go, please?" she asked.

Fayanna sighed with a smile, "Fine. But if you get too scared, we're gonna go, okay?" she said, making sure Chasity understood. Chasity nodded eagerly. "Alright then," Fayanna said, propping Chasity upon her shoulders, "Let's go!"


Chasity stood in line enthusiastically, very happy to be able to finally go to a haunted house. Fayanna smiled down at Chasity. It delighted her to see her little sister so happy.

"Next," the employee handling the entrance said.

Fayanna and Chasity approached. Fayanna gladly handed the employee the money for admission and the girls entered.

It was very dark and dimly lit, aiming for the stereotypical haunting atmosphere.

Chasity however, was still very excited for it and showed no signs of fear.

The two kept walking through, despite nothing happening.

"Is this a scam or some-" Fayanna started before jumping back at the sight of a large clown face flickering in the dim light.

Chasity giggled, "Tee hee, Fay, are you scared?" she asked, somewhat taking pride in herself at not getting frightened.

Fayanna kept quiet for a couple seconds before taking Chasity's hand again, "Nope, it just caught me off guard is all."

Chasity giggled once again at her sister, knowing she didn't want to admit that something actually scared her.

"Hey," Fayanna said, looking at her in a joking serious tone, "That's not gonna happen again, I can assure you of that!"

Almost immediately after Fayanna finished her sentence, a man dressed up in a ghoul costume jumped out in front of her. Fayanna let out a small scream and covered her mouth.

Chasity stood there, clapping her hands in enjoyment while looking at the man, "Hehe, Fay got scared again!" she chirped.

Fayanna grinned at her. While she didn't enjoy getting scared, she was happy to see Chasity enjoying herself.

The man in the ghoul costume returned to his initial position while Fayanna and Chasity made their way through.

For the rest of their time in the haunted house, Fayanna would lead Chasity through the dark path, but it would always be Fayanna that got frightened.

By the end of the path, Fayanna was gasping for air. She had been scared more than enough times in the house, yet still not admitting to any of them.

Chasity walked out of the house with a joyful look on her face.

"How did you not get scared once? You're four!" Fayanna asked Chasity, legitimately confused.

Chasity shrugged her shoulders, giggling.

"What am I gonna do with you..." Fayanna asked herself.

Chasity smiled and shrugged again, yet this time yawning.

"Are you finally tired, Chas?" Fayanna asked.

Chasity innocently shook her head yes.

"Come here," Fayanna said, picking her up while she started to walk towards the exit.

"Thank you, Fay..." Chasity said.

"No-" Fayanna started to say. She looked at Chasity, peacefully sleeping on her shoulder and smiled, "No problem, fearless"

Author's Note!

Hey guys, it's me Haydin! So I wrote this short story for school using Fayanna and Chasity from my story, The Dominator. I had such a fun time writing this even if I did get an hour behind on my sleep AND wrote 3 more pages than I had to LOL cx But anyway I hope you guys enjoyed this little cute story. I personally loved writing that Fay kept getting scared while Chasity just giggled at her! But anyway thanks so much for reading guys! Byyyye! - Haydin

Okay, so that's how these things are gonna go! This update was by Metalhead-777 (Haydin) and the characters are from his book, The Dominator! Go give him a follow guys, he's awesome!!

Savy Pearson

Spinoffs, Short Stories, and Bonus ChaptersOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora