Royal Fails - Soryx

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This is going to be a spinoff series using the Soryx versions of my characters from Soryx: The Second Dimension. Royal Fails will be about the characters in highschool, but they're all royalty.

The bell rang, signifying the beginning of class. Miss Traine sat in an ornate throne at the head of the classroom, staring down at her students. Ah, the first day of class, where all the princes and princesses have no idea what they're doing.

Corrine shared a terrified glance with Daniella, both of which were not looking forward to a class about 'how to be proper monarchs' when neither of them even wanted to be royalty. She looked over to Joshua hoping he could relate, but he seemed almost in his element in the classroom. He floated through the air carelessly, already next to the Miss Traine in hopes of getting a better grade for becoming a teacher's pet. Typical.

"I am not looking forward to this class," she mouthed to him. He shrugged. They could relate so well most of the time- not in the classroom.

"Seeing as today is the first day of classes, I thought perhaps we'd start with what you should already know," Miss Traine said, standing up regally and letting her dress skirt fan out perfectly behind her on the floor. "The first issue is quite obvious to me- why are you not in proper attire?" She looked down upon them, and scoffed at their choices of jeans and sneakers. "Princesses, from now on, you'll be wearing dresses. Princes, suits. Any violation of this rule will result in a loss of points the day of the violation." Corrine rolled her eyes, but Daniella was smiling. She was used to wearing skirts and dresses. Corrine, however, was not. In fact, today she was wearing a black hoodie and dark jeans, much to Miss Traines discontent.

"I think that's a great idea, Miss Traine. We do have to work on our appearances in order to be effective leaders one day," Joshua said calmly, smirking. Seriously? Did Miss Traine not realize just how sarcastic that was?

"Why, thank you Mister Foster! I see you have already figured that out." Miss Traine smiled, seeing that Joshua had dressed smartly, with dress pants, a purple collared shirt, and a white vest. "When I was your age, appearance was much more important than it is now. No wonder I became such a well known noble," she boasted. Great, Corrine thought, we're being taught by a stuck-up noble. They don't care about the behavior or responsibility of royalty, they care about status and appearance. This should be a fun class...

"I'm sure you have," Joshua continued, leeching off of her pride.

"Oh for the love of all things good, start the lesson!" Daniella exclaimed. Miss Traine regarded her suspiciously.

"Is there a problem, Miss Fischer?" Miss Traine asked. Daniella's eyes widened.

"No, no problem at all! Everything is fine! I... Uh... Just really want to hear what you have to teach us," she said. "Since you are such a well known noble woman yourself, of course," she added. Miss Traine smiled.

"Of course," she continued, "You are very lucky to have a teacher as renowned and established as me. Perhaps this year you will all learn something useful." Corrine rolled her eyes. "Miss Johannson! Are you having troubles with your vision?" Miss Traine asked. Corrine laughed, then quickly covered her mouth and shook her head. She didn't want detention- again.

"No, I apologize." She said, bowing her head. Not that she meant it at all, but it's what she was expected to do. Princesses never argue, they just accept what's happened. Like brainless idiots, Corrine added in her head.

"Today we will be learning more about proper attire and the rules of attire for certain events," Miss Traine continued. "The most important things to prepare for are balls and meetings, and also when you allow peasants to come forth with their problems. They cannot think they are on the same level as you, so you must dress accordingly..." By then, Corrine had stopped listening. Why is it so important how we dress? The way you look won't affect how great of a leader you are, she thought. Why can't we learn about more important things, like what to do when faced with a difficult problem, or how to deal with economic hardships? WHY DOESN'T ANYONE TEACH US SOMETHING ACTUALLY USEFUL FOR ONCE?! She sighed and tuned back in for the lesson. "... And so you must wear something suitable for that type of dancing as well. Shoes are very important. Make sure they reflect your wealth and status, so no matter how little someone knows about you, they will instantly recognize you as royalty!" Miss Traine concluded with a large hand gesture, as if she'd just taught the class the secret of life.

"I, for one, completely agree with you, Miss Traine," Joshua said, mocking her voice- unbeknownst to her, of course. "Clothes are most obviously of the utmost importance." Miss Traine praised him and continued with the lesson. Oh, it makes sense now, Corrine thought. Josh isn't trying to be a teacher's pet, he's seeing how long it takes her to realize he's mocking her. She shot him a look to stop, but he shrugged, smirking. He floated through the air towards Corrine and landed on the ground beside her. "Kinda surprised she hasn't noticed yet," he whispered, "Hopefully this is good for my grades though." Corrine stifled a laugh.

"Do you have something to share with the class, Miss Johannson?" Miss Traine asked.

"Actually yes," Corrine replied, sharing a smirk with Joshua. "I just wanted to say how wonderful it is to have you as a teacher- you obviously know everything we need to know about ruling a kingdom, no one has ever taught us about dress codes before." Daniella looked at her like she was crazy, but soon caught on.

"Yeah, you've got to be the best teacher we've ever had!" She exclaimed sarcastically. "Everyone knows the most important thing about royalty is appearances." Miss Traine was overwhelmed with pride and narcissism.

"I see you've all finally come to your senses! When the headmaster told me I'd have a hard time with this particular class, I was expected twenty little brats who had no idea what the important parts of monarchy are," she said happily. By now, the entire class knew what was going on, and shouted out fake compliments, sarcastic comments and mocks. Miss Traine gave them an odd look. "Perhaps the first thing to work on is over complimenting; I know I am a wonder of a teacher, but you really should time your comments." The entire class burst out laughing, leaving Miss Traine confused and silent.

"I take it back, I think I am looking forward to this class," Corrine giggled. Joshua laughed and slung his arm around her shoulder.

"Me too," he smirked.

I really hope you like this because I am so so soooo excited for this specific series!!! Love you guys, see you next chapter!

Savy Pearson

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