10/07/16 (Delian) - The Roots Within

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Hey guys, this is a short story written by Metalhead-777 with the character Delian from our collab book, The Roots Within! Hope you like it ^_^ Follow him too, he's pretty cool, and our book is on his account! 

 I hopped in the passenger's seat of my dad's car and eagerly waited for him to get in the car. It was the day that I could finally get my hands on a long awaited CD, Deathgrip by my favorite band, Fit for a King. I heard all the singles, all the teasers, constantly checked their Facebook for new information, everything in my (legal) power to get my hands on whatever I could. And today was finally the day I could get all 11 tracks on one beautiful CD.

"Come on dad! I've been waiting for this day for 3 months!" I said. I knew it wasn't exactly 3 months but it was for sure a long time. It was the beginning of October, and I had found that they were working on new material in about June or July, even though I didn't know what the songs were, the name of the album, anything.

"I'm going, I'm going, Delian, just hold your horses," my dad said. It was pretty early in the morning for him to get up. It was a Friday, plus I had school off for some reason, so my dad was expecting to sleep in. But I wanted to get it as soon as possible, so I made him get up at 9 AM. I felt a little guilty but you can't really blame me when it's my all time favorite band that's releasing an entire new album. After what seemed like an extremely long time, my dad finally got in the car and started it. I kept bouncing in one spot, barely able to contain my excitement for the day.

"Delian!" my dad exclaimed, "Just calm down. You're shaking the whole car"

I chuckled a little nervously, "Yeah... Sorry... Just excited," I said.

"I know. Got your money?" he asked.

I pulled out my wallet, "I've literally got 30 dollars. I am getting this album," I said with a dead serious look in my eyes.

He laughed, amused at how serious I was about this, "Alright then," he said as he put the car into reverse, "Let's go!"


My dad pulled into a parking spot in the mall parking lot. Almost immediately after, I jumped out and bounced in place. My dad sleepily stepped out of the car and locked the doors.

"Come on, Dad!" I said, overly-excited to get that CD.

"I'm coming, just be patient," my dad said, "It is around 10 am after all."

"I know but still," I said, grinning and slightly not being sorry. He chuckled and started walking with me toward the entrance of the mall. I held the door open for him and walked into the mall behind him. I looked around the mall and took in the sweet aroma. I always loved the smell of the bakery near the entrance with fresh-baked bread and other treats. I would usually stop by and get something before going to the stores I wanted to, but this time was different. Plus I had to make sure not to tick my dad off by taking too long (like I always do).

"Please don't take long today, alright?" he said, as if on cue to say it.

"I promise I won't. I'll step in, get it, pay, maybe fangirl a bit, and get out," I said, smiling.

My dad chuckled again and continued walking with me through the mall.


We approached the wide entrance of my favorite store, FYE, or For Your Entertainment. I saw a huge sign right by the entrance with the gray hand holding the delicate flower on the simplistic cover of the album. I eagerly speed-walked into the store and went straight to the heavy metal section and scanned my eyes around the F's to find the CD. I saw Fit for a King's name card and quickly went through all the CDs, looking for Deathgrip. My heart started to slowly sink as all I saw were there previous albums, Descendants, Creation|Destruction, and Slave to Nothing. They couldn't have forgotten to stock it, I just saw the huge sign in front of the store! I walked over to an employee and tapped their shoulder.

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