Very Exciting A/N! PLEASE READ!

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Okay guys, I've known this was happening for awhile but I couldn't tell you until it was FOR 100% SURE because I'm sooooo excited and didn't want to let anyone down if it didn't work out but it DID so I am SO EXCITED!!!!!!

Oh wait, y'all have no clue what I'm talking about XD Whoops. Let's try again.




Self publishing was never my first option, but I have an amazing opportunity to do so while being able to still pursue an actual publisher! And I have even better news...

This is NOT the only book I will be publishing!

For my senior project, I've chosen to create my own "business" and product, and I've chosen to go into business for myself and have my writing as the product. I will also be publishing some short stories, poems, and other books as I finish them! I've been working on making this work for a full year now, and it's finally a reality!

The twist of my company, "Publications for Inspiration," is that EVERY BOOK HAS A PURPOSE. Everything I publish will be sponsoring a social issue/cause, and a portion of the profits will be going to those causes. For example, Soryx will be sponsoring mental health services, since the magic in this series is an indirect metaphor for mental health and stability. My poems, since most focus on depression and anxiety, will be sponsoring mental health RESEARCH, and another book I'm planning on publishing will be sponsoring poverty relief. (Y'all don't know that book yet, it's a private project of mine and slightly out of my comfort zone.)

Also, side note, I'll be publishing children's books!!!!!!! I've wanted to do this since I was a kid, and now I can. I honestly can't contain my excitement! AAAUUUUUGGGGHHHH!

I am going to try REALLY hard to make all my books available as e-books, so y'all can buy them as well! I will tell you guys when I publish any of my books, probably through Inner Thoughts of a Teenage Girl, so add that to your reading list to get updates on THAT!

Thank you guys so much for getting me this far. I'm insanely excited and psyched to be able to do this, and having such a supportive community here. Wattpad will always be my home ^_^

Love you guys, thanks for reading!


(I will be posting this on all my books, so if it has the same title, just ignore the extras lol)

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