Delian and the Book Situation - The Roots Within

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(This is a short little scene written by Metalhead-777 and I think it helps illustrate Delian's character pretty well XD)

Alistair walked into Delian's house as he did every weekend. Delian's dad didn't seem to be home, so Alistair just walked to Delian's room, only to see a sight he never thought he'd see. Delian was reading.

"What the heck are you doing?!" Alistair exclaimed, shocked.

"Huh?" Delian questioned, looking towards Alistair while taking an earbud out.

Alistair let out a sigh of relief, "I thought you were just reading! Don't scare me like that!"

Delian smiled, "And that is how I know you're a real friend."

Hey everyone, we had a little free-write warm-up for AP Biology so I just decided to write this! Savy actually got me a couple books that I've wanted for a while, so I'm gonna start reading those! ^_^ Kinda where the inspiration from this came from.  


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