Lost Souls - Short Story

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This is another short story I challenged myself to write - I had to write something out of my writing "comfort zone." And actually, I ended up really liking this! 

David glared through the trees at the two boys on the other side of the road. That's my land, my tree, my food. They happily continued eating the fruit off the tree, as if it belonged to them. Didn't think I would need signs during an apocalypse, David scoffed to himself. He raised his gun and walked into the street, toward the boys.

"I'm sorry, I don't remember inviting you to my side of town," he said sarcastically. The taller boy handed the fruit to the other and grabbed a knife from his belt.

"And I don't remember seeing your name on the land."

"What's your name?"

"I'm Jack. He," he said, pointing his finger at the brunette beside him, "Is Peter. And you are?"

"My land, I ask the questions." David demanded. "But I suppose if you know my name, you can warn everyone else to stay off my land. I'm David. I own this part of town, go find your own zombie infested area."

"They're not zombies, you know," Peter piped up behind Jack. "They're lost souls."

"Oh, shut up and get off my land." David sighed. He had heard that before- but it was easier to believe they were zombies. Then they weren't real people, and he wouldn't feel as bad about killing them. The boys shrugged and turned to leave. "Drop the fruit," he added, and heard a thunk as each fruit hit the ground. The boys continued, without looking back. Well that was easy, David thought. Wait until Jaspar hears about this!

He let himself drop the tough guy act and smile, happily heading home. Home. More like an abandoned hospital. David walked through the gaping hole that used to be the entrance to the hospital, and ran across to the elevator. Prying the doors open, he jumped to the rope and slid down to the lower level. He knocked- twice, pause. Once, pause. Three times, pause again. Soon he heard the doors being opened on the other side and was greeted by Jaspar's smiling green eyes.

"David! How was hunting today?" he asked happily.

"Didn't find any animals, or zombies for that matter. But there were a few trespassers." David informed him. He cracked his knuckles.

"Do they need to be taken care of?"

"I took care of it!" David exclaimed, and Jaspar looked to to him in surprise.

"You did?" he asked, "So you killed them?"

"What?! No!"

"Then they aren't taken care of, David. They'll just be smarter about it next time. You can't trust anyone," Jaspar explained, "Didn't Dad teach you anything before he died?" David blinked back a few tears- his brother had no right to bring him up.

"Jaspar stop it. Dad didn't kill innocent people."

"That's what got him killed."

"Jaspar that was one time-"

"One mistake can kill you, David! I'm not going to lose my little brother, too."

"I'm fourteen now, I can make my own decisions."

"I'm still four years older and I can make your decisions, too." Jaspar sighed. "You know I'm just trying to protect you." David nodded.

"But they're just trying to survive, like us."

"You know what could happen to them... They could become one of those- those things..."


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