Locke - Mission 001

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So this is a chapter using a character in a book I'm planning to write, but haven't yet. Not sure where this will be in the book, but I hope you'll like it, and let me know what you think of the overall idea so far!


Biting my tongue, I left headquarters confused. Yes, I'd seen the creatures before... But I was just a commoner. How could they expect me to suddenly be an agent in less than an hour? They couldn't really think I could kill them with only a flashlight.

Finally, following the map for quite some time, I reached the dilapidated building I supposed was my destination. What now? I mused. Do I just knock and ask for the lost souls of the animals?

Unfortunately, I couldn't think of any other option. After a bit of inward debate, I walked up the cracked walkway to the large black door. The house was overrun with plants growing far larger than they should be allowed. Ivy covered the walls and half the door, but I knocked regardless. No answer.

I knocked on the door again. Again, no one answered, but I knew the house wasn't empty. They were expecting me to give up and go away, but I had other plans. I climbed the thick ivy, up the wall, over the door, and through the attic window.

Hopefully they think I really have left, I thought as I began rummaging through the boxes. I knew what I was looking for, but not what it looked like - for all I know, I could have already passed right over it. However, as I began giving up hope, I heard a distant whisper.

Locke... It called me. Help me, Locke... After getting over the initial fear of the whisper meaning they had found me, I realized it was the souls. It had to be. Locke, help! They called together, no longer a single voice but many hushed cries. They were definitely here.

As I searched the room, the whispers became louder and more urgent - I must be close. I knocked a small pillow to the side to open the box beneath it when I felt it; simply touching the pillow filled me with such sadness and desperation. It left as quickly as it had come, and I approached it again to be sure.

I picked up the pillow, feeling every sadness imaginable. Surely these must be the lost souls... Whatever else could project such emotion to me? Taking my pocket knife, I ripped open the pillow and reached inside, my finger brushing against something smooth and cold. Pulling out the crystal sphere, I watched the pillow turn to dust.

I quickly opened my satchel and tucked the sphere inside the deepest pocket. As I turned to leave, I heard the low creak of the door opening and whipped around to see one of them.

I could tell that this particular one, had been away from the world for awhile; the human disguise was wearing off, revealing the grotesque, gooey black skin of the creature. Its seemingly human shoulders and thighs dissolved into slimy limbs nearly puddling on the floor. The most disturbing thing, however, was that the half a human mouth left was twisted up into an unnatural smile that did not reach its eyes. It lunged towards me, reaching for my satchel as I swiftly jumped away.

"Give that back..." It croaked in its terrible voice. I kept still, holding my breath so the thing couldn't detect me. "Where are you hiding?" It cried, turning around in a circle. It failed to spot me. When it faced directly away from me, I reached into my satchel for my flashlight. It heard my movements and turned to face me again.

Grimacing, I clicked the light on and pointed it at the exposed parts of its real body. It hissed loudly, trying the shield itself, but to no avail. The light burned through the black slime. My eyes widened as I realized why I'd never seen the things during the day - light killed them.

The creature shrieked and hurled black ooze in my direction, which I dodged as I continued burning the thing as best I could. I was exhausted and terrified, but somehow I kept up the act until the creature was nothing but a spot on the floor.

Still in shock, I returned the flashlight to my satchel and bolted out the window, down the ivy, and as far away from the wretched house as possible. Though I'd survived, this was not the first mission I was hoping for. It had taken me far too long to find the souls, and I hadn't even killed all the creatures - I was in for an earful when I returned to headquarters.


Soooooo thoughts? I love Locke so much. He's 18, and his full name is Lockeheart La'Grange but once he became an orphan, he dropped his last name and half of his first. The overall plot of the book I'm planning to write is that he is a thief who, in a time of trouble, found himself hiding in the wrong place at the wrong time. Because of this, he must pretend to be a magical creatures expert and not only save those in trouble, but steal back from the magical creatures from the dark world (He's also eventually teamed up with a sassy little 12 year old named Bellaviere, I love her so much too XD).

Sorry I've been rambling, but I really hope you like this! Let me know if you'd like to see more of Locke in his own book! Love you guys!


(P.S. I created a font for the creatures!

 I created a font for the creatures!

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So yeah, bye XD)

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So yeah, bye XD)

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